It is absolutely necessary... for me to have persons that can think for me, as well as execute orders

It is absolutely necessary... for me to have persons that can think for me, as well as execute orders
George Washington, the first President of the United States, was a man of great leadership and vision. He understood the importance of surrounding himself with individuals who could not only carry out his orders but also think critically and independently. In a letter to his nephew, Bushrod Washington, he wrote, “It is absolutely necessary for me to have persons that can think for me, as well as execute orders.” This statement reflects Washington’s belief in the value of having a team of trusted advisors and confidants who could provide him with sound counsel and support in his decision-making process.Throughout his military and political career, Washington demonstrated a keen ability to select capable individuals to serve in key positions. He understood that he could not do everything on his own and relied on the expertise and judgment of those around him. Washington’s leadership style was characterized by his willingness to delegate authority and empower his subordinates to make decisions on his behalf. By surrounding himself with intelligent and capable individuals, he was able to effectively manage the affairs of the nation and lead the country through challenging times.
Washington’s emphasis on having people who could think for him was a reflection of his belief in the importance of collaboration and teamwork. He recognized that no one person had all the answers and that it was essential to have a diversity of perspectives and opinions to arrive at the best possible solutions. By fostering an environment where ideas could be freely exchanged and debated, Washington was able to make informed decisions that benefited the greater good.