It is but the littleness of man that seeth no greatness in trifles

It is but the littleness of man that seeth no greatness in trifles
Wendell Phillips was a prominent American abolitionist, lawyer, and orator who played a key role in the anti-slavery movement in the mid-19th century. He was known for his powerful speeches and passionate advocacy for the rights of African Americans. One of his most famous quotes is, “It is but the littleness of man that seeth no greatness in trifles.”This quote speaks to the idea that small things can have a big impact, and that it is often the small details that reveal the true character of a person or a situation. Phillips believed that it was important to pay attention to the seemingly insignificant aspects of life, as they could hold the key to understanding the larger picture.
In the context of Phillips’ work as an abolitionist, this quote takes on a deeper meaning. The fight against slavery was a monumental task, and it required the efforts of many individuals working together to bring about change. Phillips understood that every small victory, every small act of resistance, was a step towards the ultimate goal of ending slavery.
Phillips also believed that it was important to recognize the humanity and dignity of all individuals, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may be. He saw greatness in the struggles of ordinary people, in their everyday acts of courage and resilience. He believed that it was these “trifles” that revealed the true greatness of the human spirit.