It is impossible, in our condition of society, not to be sometimes a snob

It is impossible, in our condition of society, not to be sometimes a snob
William Makepeace Thackeray, a renowned English novelist and satirist, was known for his keen observations of society and human nature. In his works, he often explored the theme of snobbery and the ways in which individuals are influenced by their social status and surroundings. Thackeray famously stated, “It is impossible, in our condition of society, not to be sometimes a snob,” highlighting the pervasive nature of snobbery in the society of his time.Thackeray’s statement reflects his belief that social hierarchies and class distinctions play a significant role in shaping human behavior and attitudes. In the rigidly stratified society of Victorian England, individuals were often judged and valued based on their social standing, wealth, and connections. This emphasis on status and prestige led many people to adopt snobbish attitudes and behaviors in order to gain acceptance and approval from those higher up the social ladder.
Thackeray himself was no stranger to the complexities of social status and snobbery. As a member of the upper-middle class, he was intimately familiar with the pressures and expectations that came with his position in society. Through his writing, Thackeray often satirized the pretensions and hypocrisies of the upper classes, exposing the absurdity of their snobbish attitudes and behaviors.