It must be so, for miracles are ceased and therefore we must needs admit the means how things are perfected

It must be so, for miracles are ceased and therefore we must needs admit the means how things are perfected
In the world of William Shakespeare, miracles were often used as a plot device to drive the narrative forward or to resolve conflicts in a dramatic and unexpected way. However, as the quote suggests, Shakespeare understood that miracles were not a sustainable or reliable means of achieving perfection or resolution in the real world. Instead, he believed that we must rely on more practical and tangible means to achieve our goals and overcome obstacles.Throughout his plays, Shakespeare explores the idea that human agency and effort are necessary to bring about change and achieve success. Characters like Macbeth, who rely on supernatural forces to achieve their ambitions, ultimately meet tragic ends. In contrast, characters like Hamlet or Prospero in "The Tempest" rely on their own intelligence, wit, and determination to navigate the challenges they face and ultimately achieve their goals.
Shakespeare's plays are filled with characters who must confront their own limitations and find ways to overcome them through hard work, perseverance, and ingenuity. In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," for example, the lovers must navigate the magical and chaotic world of the fairies in order to find true love and happiness. In "Othello," the titular character must confront his own jealousy and insecurity in order to overcome the manipulations of Iago and save his marriage.
Ultimately, Shakespeare's works suggest that while miracles may be exciting and dramatic, they are not a reliable or sustainable means of achieving success or perfection. Instead, we must rely on our own abilities, intelligence, and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. By acknowledging our own agency and taking responsibility for our actions, we can work towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life, just as Shakespeare's characters do in his plays.