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It will all come out in the wash

It will all come out in the wash Picture Quote #1

It will all come out in the wash

The phrase "it will all come out in the wash" is a proverb that has been passed down through generations, often used to convey the idea that everything will eventually be resolved or revealed in due time. This saying is typically used to reassure someone who may be worried or anxious about a situation, implying that any hidden truths or unresolved issues will eventually be exposed or resolved.

The origins of this proverb can be traced back to the practice of washing clothes. In the past, people would wash their clothes by hand, scrubbing them clean with soap and water. During this process, any stains or dirt that may have been hidden on the fabric would eventually come to light as the clothes were washed and rinsed. This physical act of washing became a metaphor for the idea that hidden truths or unresolved issues would eventually be revealed or resolved over time.
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