Italo Calvino Quotes

Text Quotes
Memory really matters... only if it binds together the imprint of the past and the project of the future, if it enables us to act without forgetting what we wanted to do, to become without ceasing to be, and to be without ceasing to become (Italo Calvino Quotes)
I will start out this evening with an assertion: fantasy is a place where it rains (Italo Calvino Quotes)
The sea where living creatures were at one time immersed is now enclosed within their bodies (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Every choice has its obverse, that is to say a renunciation, and so there is no difference between the act of choosing and the act of renouncing (Italo Calvino Quotes)
The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand (Italo Calvino Quotes)
In politics, as in every other sphere of life, there are two important principles for a man of any sense: don’t cherish too many illusions, and never stop believing that every little bit helps (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Fantasy is like jam... You have to spread it on a solid piece of bread. If not, it remains a shapeless thing... out of which you can’t make anything (Italo Calvino Quotes)
The word connects the visible trace with the invisible thing, the absent thing, the thing that is desired or feared, like a frail emergency bridge flung over an abyss (Italo Calvino Quotes)
They knew each other. He knew her and so himself, for in truth he had never known himself. And she knew him and so herself, for although she had always known herself she had never been able to recognize it until now (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Reading is going toward something that is about to be, and no one yet knows what it will be (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Elsewhere is a negative mirror. The traveler recognizes the little that is his, discovering the much he has not had and will never have (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Today each of you is the object of the other’s reading, one reads in the other the unwritten story (Italo Calvino Quotes)
You take delight not in a city’s seven or seventy wonders, but in the answer it gives to a question of yours (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space (Italo Calvino Quotes)
It’s better not to know authors personally, because the real person never corresponds to the image you form of him from reading his books (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Every new book I read comes to be a part of that overall and unitary book that is the sum of my readings... if you need little to set the imagination going, I require even less: the promise of reading is enough (Italo Calvino Quotes)
A classic is the term given to any book which comes to represent the whole universe, a book on a par with ancient talismans (Italo Calvino Quotes)
If you want to know how much darkness there is around you, you must sharpen your eyes, peering at the faint lights in the distance (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Nobody looks at the moon in the afternoon, and this is the moment when it would most require our attention, since its existence is still in doubt (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Literature remains alive only if we set ourselves immeasurable goals, far beyond all hope of achievement. Only if poets and writers set themselves tasks that no one else dares imagine will literature continue to have a function (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Everything has already begun before, the first line of the first page of every novel refers to something that has already happened outside the book (Italo Calvino Quotes)
To write well about the elegant world you have to know it and experience it to the depths of your being... what matters is not whether you love it or hate it, but only to be quite clear about your position regarding it (Italo Calvino Quotes)
Success consists in felicity of verbal expression, which every so often may result from a quick flash of inspiration but as a rule involves a patient search... for the sentence in which every word is unalterable (Italo Calvino Quotes)
The universe is the mirror in which we can contemplate only what we have learned to know in ourselves (Italo Calvino Quotes)
A classic is a book which with each rereading offers as much of a sense of discovery as the first reading (Italo Calvino Quotes)
The best introduction to the psychological world of one of the most important and gifted writers of our time (Italo Calvino Quotes)
It is only after you have come to know the surface of things... that you can venture to seek what is underneath. But the surface of things is inexhaustible (Italo Calvino Quotes)
I am a prisoner of a gaudy and unlivable present, where all forms of human society have reached an extreme of their cycle and there is no imagining what new forms they may assume (Italo Calvino Quotes)
A human being becomes human not through the casual convergence of certain biological conditions, but through an act of will and love on the part of other people (Italo Calvino Quotes)