Item, I give unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture

Item, I give unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture
In William Shakespeare's will, he famously left his wife Anne Hathaway his "second best bed with the furniture." This seemingly simple bequest has sparked much debate and speculation over the years, with some interpreting it as a slight towards his wife, while others see it as a loving gesture.The inclusion of the phrase "second best bed" has led some to believe that Shakespeare was being dismissive or even spiteful towards his wife. The best bed was often seen as a symbol of status and wealth, so leaving her the second best bed could be seen as a way of denying her the best that he had to offer. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that this was a deliberate snub, meant to convey his true feelings towards his wife.
However, there are others who see this bequest in a more positive light. The second best bed was likely the bed that Shakespeare and his wife shared during their marriage, making it a deeply personal and sentimental gift. In this interpretation, the bed represents the intimacy and connection that they shared, rather than a mere material possession. By leaving her this bed, Shakespeare may have been expressing his love and devotion to his wife, ensuring that she would always have a piece of their life together.
It is also worth noting that in Elizabethan England, the best bed in the house was often reserved for guests, while the second best bed was the one used by the owners of the house. In this context, leaving his wife the second best bed could be seen as a practical decision, ensuring that she would have a comfortable and familiar place to sleep after his passing.
Overall, the inclusion of the phrase "second best bed with the furniture" in Shakespeare's will remains a topic of much discussion and interpretation. While some may see it as a slight towards his wife, others view it as a poignant and meaningful gesture of love and remembrance. Regardless of the true intention behind this bequest, it serves as a reminder of the complexities and nuances of Shakespeare's personal life and relationships.