It's a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it's light out

It’s a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it’s light out
Summer is a season of long days and warm nights, a time when the sun seems to linger in the sky well past its usual bedtime. It's a time of lazy afternoons spent lounging by the pool, of barbecues and beach trips that stretch into the evening hours. But as the days grow longer and the nights shorter, there comes a point when the sun refuses to set, when it stubbornly clings to the horizon, casting a golden glow over the world long after it should have dipped below.And so it is that we find ourselves in the midst of summer, with the sun still shining brightly in the sky as the clock ticks past bedtime. It's a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it's light out, a time when the day seems to stretch on endlessly, refusing to give way to the darkness of night.
For many, this extended daylight can be a blessing, a chance to squeeze in a few more hours of fun and relaxation before the day comes to an end. But for others, it can be a source of frustration and discomfort, a reminder that time is slipping away and that the night is fast approaching.
As the sun hangs low in the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape, it's easy to feel a sense of unease, a feeling that the world is out of balance. The natural rhythms of day and night are disrupted, and we find ourselves caught in a liminal space, neither fully awake nor fully asleep.
But despite the challenges that come with a summer that refuses to end, there is also a sense of magic and possibility in these long, light-filled days. It's a time when anything seems possible, when the world is full of potential and promise. And so we embrace the light, even as we long for the darkness, knowing that summer's cruel season will eventually come to an end, giving way to the cool embrace of autumn.