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I've made over 250 pictures and have never shot a guy in the back. Change it

I've made over 250 pictures and have never shot a guy in the back. Change it Picture Quote #1

I've made over 250 pictures and have never shot a guy in the back. Change it

John Wayne, the iconic American actor known for his roles in Western films, was often associated with the image of the heroic cowboy who always stood up for what was right. Throughout his career, Wayne portrayed characters who were brave, honorable, and always faced their enemies head-on. It was this image of strength and integrity that made him a beloved figure in Hollywood and a symbol of American values.

One of the most famous quotes attributed to John Wayne is, “I've made over 250 pictures and have never shot a guy in the back.” This line encapsulates the essence of Wayne's on-screen persona – a man of principle who believed in fair play and justice. However, in the context of modern sensibilities, this statement may be seen as outdated and simplistic.
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