J G Holland Quotes

Text Quotes
A nation is a thing that lives and acts like a man and men are the particles of which it is composed (J G Holland Quotes)
Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man (J G Holland Quotes)
Childhood may do without a grand purpose, but manhood cannot (J G Holland Quotes)
Character lives in a man, reputation outside of him (J G Holland Quotes)
It is only rogues who feel the restraints of law (J G Holland Quotes)
It is the life in literature that acts upon life (J G Holland Quotes)
There is no truth which personal vice will not distort (J G Holland Quotes)
Wants keep pace with wealth always (J G Holland Quotes)
We work and that is godlike (J G Holland Quotes)
He that cannot paint must grind the colors (J G Holland Quotes)
Nothing so obstinately stands in the way of all sorts of progress as pride of opinion. While nothing is so foolish and baseless (J G Holland Quotes)
The person who does not know how to live while they are making a living is a poorer person after their wealth is won than when they started (J G Holland Quotes)
There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures (J G Holland Quotes)
Labor is the instituted means for the methodical development of all our powers under the direction and control of the will (J G Holland Quotes)
The secret of man’s success resides in his insight into the moods of people, and his tact in dealing with them (J G Holland Quotes)
The faculties of our souls differ as widely as the features of our faces and the forms of our frames (J G Holland Quotes)
Work for immortality if you will: then wait for it (J G Holland Quotes)
Play may not have so high a place in the divine economy, but is has as legitimate a place as prayer (J G Holland Quotes)
Every man who strikes blows for power, for influence, for institutions, for the right, must be just as good an anvil as he is a hammer (J G Holland Quotes)
The cry of the soul is for freedom. It longs for liberty, from the date of its first conscious moments (J G Holland Quotes)
In my judgment, a great mistake has been made by well meaning and zealous men, through treating error and infidelity with altogether too much respect (J G Holland Quotes)
God pity the man of science who believes in nothing but what he can prove by scientific methods; for if ever a human being needed divine pity, he does (J G Holland Quotes)
The temple of art is built of words. Painting and sculpture and music are but the blazon of its windows, borrowing all their significance from the light, and suggestive only of the temple’s uses (J G Holland Quotes)
A fortune won in a day is lost in a day; a fortune won slowly, and slowly compacted, seems to acquire from the hand that won it the property of endurance (J G Holland Quotes)
God give us men! A time like this demands. Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor; men who will not die (J G Holland Quotes)
The love that gushes for all is the real elixir of life - the fountain of bodily longevity. It is the lack of this that always produces the feeling of age (J G Holland Quotes)
Artists are nearest God. Into their souls he breathes his life, and from their hands it comes in fair, articulate forms to bless the world (J G Holland Quotes)
My God! I thank Thee for the bath of sleep, That wraps in balm my weary heart and brain, And drowns within its waters still and deep My sorrow and my pain. I thank Thee for my dreams, which loose the bond That binds my spirit to its daily load, And give it angel wings, to fly beyond Its slumber-bound abode (J G Holland Quotes)
Ah! soul of mine! Ah! soul of mine! Thy sluggish senses are but bars That stand between thee and the stars, And shut thee from the world divine (J G Holland Quotes)
A man who in the struggles of life has no home to retire to, in fact or in memory, is without life’s best rewards and life’s best defences. (J G Holland Quotes)