J I Packer Quotes

Text Quotes
Today, on our own turf, we face pagan ignorance about God every bit as deep as that which the early church faced in the Roman Empire. (J I Packer Quotes)
Think against your feelings; unmask the unbelief they have nourished; let evangelical thinking correct emotional thinking. (J I Packer Quotes)
The meaning of He will give us all things can be put thus: one day we will see that nothing - literally nothing - which could have increased our eternal happiness has been denied us, and that nothing - literally nothing - that could have reduced that happiness has been left with us. (J I Packer Quotes)
There are ministers who never speak of repentance or self-denial. Naturally they are popular, but they are false prophets. (J I Packer Quotes)
Real spiritual growth is always growth downward, so to speak, into profounder humility, which in healthy souls will become more and more apparent as they age (J I Packer Quotes)
Read two old books for every new one (J I Packer Quotes)
Adoption is the highest privilege the gospel offers (J I Packer Quotes)
Maturity is a compound of wisdom, goodwill, resilience, and creativity (J I Packer Quotes)
... love and pity for hell’s occupants will not enter our hearts (J I Packer Quotes)
Only when you know how to die can you know how to live (J I Packer Quotes)
What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective, something which catches our imagination and lays hold of our allegiance, and this the Christian has in a way that no other person has. For what higher, more exalted, and more compelling goal can there be than to know God? (J I Packer Quotes)
Wisdom is the power to see, and the inclination to choose, the best and highest goal, together with the surest means of attaining it (J I Packer Quotes)
We complain today that ministers do not know how to preach; but is it not equally true that our congregations do not know how to hear (J I Packer Quotes)
Justification is the truly dramatic transition from the status of a condemned criminal awaiting a terrible sentence to that of an heir awaiting a fabulous inheritance (J I Packer Quotes)
The weaker we feel, the harder we lean. And the harder we lean, the stronger we grow spiritually, even while our bodies waste away (J I Packer Quotes)
Man is a responsible moral agent, though he is also divinely controlled; man is divinely controlled, though he is also a responsible moral agent (J I Packer Quotes)
In common honesty, we must not conceal the fact that free forgiveness in one sense will cost everything (J I Packer Quotes)
The battle against pride in the heart is lifelong, so humility should become an ever more deeply seated attitude of living (J I Packer Quotes)
If we pursue theological knowledge for its own sake, it’s bound to go bad on us. It will make us proud and conceited (J I Packer Quotes)
The more you praise, the more vigor you will have for prayer; and the more you pray, the more matter you will have for praise (J I Packer Quotes)
Joy is a condition that is experienced, but it is more than a feeling; it is, primarily, a state of mind (J I Packer Quotes)
Today, on our own turf, we face pagan ignorance about God every bit as deep as that which the early church faced in the Roman Empire (J I Packer Quotes)
Our business is to present the Christian faith clothed in modern terms, not to propagate modern thought clothed in Christian terms... Confusion here is fatal (J I Packer Quotes)
How can we turn our knowledge about God into knowledge of God? The rule for doing this is simple but demanding. It is that we turn each Truth that we learn about God into matter for meditation before God, leading to prayer and praise to God (J I Packer Quotes)
There is, however, equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason, He wants me as His friend, and desires to be my friend, and has given His Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose. not merely that we know God, but that He knows us (J I Packer Quotes)
Certainly true worship invigorates, but to plan invigoration is not necessarily to order worship (J I Packer Quotes)
Suffering is getting what you do not want while wanting what you do not get (J I Packer Quotes)
All true theology has an evangelistic thrust, and all true evangelism is theology in action (J I Packer Quotes)
Sinners cannot obey the gospel, any more than the law, without renewal of heart (J I Packer Quotes)
Repentance, as we know, is basically not moaning and remorse, but turning and change (J I Packer Quotes)