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J K Rowling Quotes

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Wow, I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life?  (J K Rowling Quotes) There’s the silver lining I’m looking for  (J K Rowling Quotes) Love is the strongest power there is  (J K Rowling Quotes) You have to kill a lot of trees before you write anything good  (J K Rowling Quotes) Knocking the shrieking goblins aside like skittles  (J K Rowling Quotes) Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him  (J K Rowling Quotes) You sometimes have to join forces with those you’d rather avoid  (J K Rowling Quotes) Where’s the fun without a bit of risk?  (J K Rowling Quotes) There are those who’ll turn innocent occasions to their advantage  (J K Rowling Quotes) Giggling should be made illegal  (J K Rowling Quotes) A good first impression can work wonders  (J K Rowling Quotes) It’s best to know what the enemy are saying  (J K Rowling Quotes) Luck can only get you so far  (J K Rowling Quotes) There are much more terrible things than physical injury  (J K Rowling Quotes) There’s a time and a place for getting a smart mouth  (J K Rowling Quotes) Things denied, things untold, things hidden and disguised  (J K Rowling Quotes) He gave everything to everybody. Except to me  (J K Rowling Quotes) You have to be free to fail in this world  (J K Rowling Quotes) Dudley had reached roughly the size and weight of a young killer whale  (J K Rowling Quotes) I never thought I’d hear myself say it, but safety first!  (J K Rowling Quotes) I like a quiet life, you know me  (J K Rowling Quotes) In opening them, he discovered that he had eyes  (J K Rowling Quotes) It frightened people when you were honest; it shocked them  (J K Rowling Quotes) Stop, stop, stop, you’re going to poke someone’s eye out!  (J K Rowling Quotes) And anyway, life’s too short  (J K Rowling Quotes) There will always be a easy path and a right path  (J K Rowling Quotes) Help only comes to those who ask for it  (J K Rowling Quotes) You shouldn’t have done that  (J K Rowling Quotes) My brain surprises even me sometimes  (J K Rowling Quotes) One can never have enough socks  (J K Rowling Quotes)
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