Jack Hyles Quotes
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Text Quotes
Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible-preaching. It is the hope of the church. It is the hope of the nation. It is the hope of the world (Jack Hyles Quotes)
The reward that outdoes all others is the peace of knowing that you did right (Jack Hyles Quotes)
The best way to help those who are behind you is to heed those before you (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Laughter means nothing unless there have been tears (Jack Hyles Quotes)
You don’t get strength for the load; you get strength from the load (Jack Hyles Quotes)
When you get to the top, raise the top and climb some more (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Jesus makes you happy in reality. The world makes you happy escaping from reality (Jack Hyles Quotes)
The difference between success and failure is work (Jack Hyles Quotes)
A tribulation gives you the opportunity to test a truth you have always believed (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Failing is not a disgrace unless you make it the last chapter of your book (Jack Hyles Quotes)
God never leads anyone anywhere for money (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Greatness is in the preparation, not in the performance (Jack Hyles Quotes)
The ones who disappoint you need you the most (Jack Hyles Quotes)
The follower is as important as the leader (Jack Hyles Quotes)
You stay successful the same way you became successful (Jack Hyles Quotes)
A tear today is an investment in a laugh tomorrow (Jack Hyles Quotes)
A prepared person will always have his opportunity (Jack Hyles Quotes)
If a task is worthy of our attention, it is worthy of our best (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Everything you declare with your lips will be tested in your life (Jack Hyles Quotes)
On the essentials, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Love is the doorway through which the human soul passes from selfishness to service (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Nothing unites people as sharing the same affliction (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Love is hope when reason despairs (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Just to love, that’s enough; being loved, that’s a bonus (Jack Hyles Quotes)
The best thing I can do for you is to love you (Jack Hyles Quotes)
He who cannot obey cannot command (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Let principles make decisions (Jack Hyles Quotes)
There is always a prepared place for a prepared person (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Being loved is life’s second greatest blessing; loving is the greatest (Jack Hyles Quotes)
Preaching is fire in the pulpit that melts the ice in the pew (Jack Hyles Quotes)
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