Jack Kerouac Quotes

Text Quotes
Write what you want bottomless from bottom of the mind (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Because the only people for me are the mad ones (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
The whole mad swirl of everything that was to come began then (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Struggle to sketch the flow that already exists intact in mind (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Rest and be kind, you don’t have to prove anything (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
You are the equal of the idol who has given you your inspiration (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Eager for bread and love (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Sociability is just a big smile, and a big smile is nothing but teeth (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
But why think about that when all the golden lands ahead of you and all kinds of unforseen events wait lurking to surprise you and make you glad you’re alive to see (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
I realized either I was crazy or the world was crazy; and I picked on the world. And of course I was right (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Let the mind beware, that though the flesh be bugged, the circumstances of existence are pretty glorious (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
John Clellon Holmes... and I were sitting around trying to think up the meaning of the Lost Generation and the subsequent existentialism and I said ‘You know John, this is really a beat generation’ and he leapt up and said, ‘That’s it, that’s right!’ (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Fear life but don’t die, your alone, everybody’s alone, oh Cody Pomeray you can’t win you can’t lose all is ephemeral all is hurt (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
LA is the loneliest and most brutal of American cities; NY gets god-awful cold in the winter but there’s a feeling of wacky comradeship somewhere in some streets. LA is a jungle (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Aw I don’t wanta go to no such thing, I just wanta drink in alleys.’... But you’ll miss all that, just for some old wine.’ There’s wisdom in wine, goddam it!’ I yelled. ‘Have a shot! (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
The empty blue sky of space says ‘All this comes back to me, then goes again, and comes back again, then goes again, and I don’t care, it still belongs to me (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
But I remember seeing a mess of leaves suddenly go skittering in the wind and into the creek, then floating rapidly down the creek towards the sea, making me feel a nameless horror even then of ‘Oh my God, we’re all being swept away to sea no matter what we know or say or do (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
She talks with a broken heart - Her voice lutes brokenly like a heart lost, musically too, like in a lost grove, it’s almost too much to bear sometimes like some fantastic futuristic Jerry Southern singer in a nightclub who steps up to the mike in the spotlight in Las Vegas but doesn’t even have to sing, just talk, to make men sigh and women wonder I guess (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
I’d rather be thin than famous but I’m fat paste that in your broadway show (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Your Buddhism has made you mean Ray and makes you even afraid to take your clothes off for a simple healthy orgy (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
And he had a nice home in Ohio with wife, daughter, Christmas tree, two cars, garage, lawn, lawnmower, but he couldn’t enjoy any of it because he really wasn’t free. It was sadly true (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
The bus roared on. I was going home in October. Everybody goes home in October (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
I didn’t know what to say. I felt like crying, Goddammit everybody in the world wants an explanation for your acts and for your very being (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Genius gives birth, talent delivers. What Rembrandt or Van Gogh saw in the night can never be seen again (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk - real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
I have fallen in love with you, God. Take care of us all, one way or the other (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
I spent my entire youth writing slowly with revisions and endless rehashing speculation and deleting and got so I was writing one sentence a day and the sentence had no FEELING. Goddamn it, FEELING is what I like in art, not CRAFTINESS and the hiding of feelings (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
And there in the blue air I saw for the first time, far off, the great snowy tops of the Rocky Mountains. I had to get to Denver at once (Jack Kerouac Quotes)
Mainly I’ve been back to my books and writings and being nice and quiet and lazy. As I’m writing this, the radio says there’s a foot of snow falling on Long Island. I really love snow and wish I could take a long walk in it right now (Jack Kerouac Quotes)