Jack LaLanne Quotes

Text Quotes
Ten seconds on the lips and a lifetime on the hips (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
I can’t afford to die. It would wreck my image (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Inactivity is the killer and, remember, it’s never too late (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
If it tastes good, spit it out! (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
The only way you can hurt the body is not use it (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
The food you eat today is walking and talking tomorrow (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
You put junk in, junk comes out. You put good in, good comes out (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
I want to move well and comfortably, and enjoy the world around me (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
If man made it, don’t eat it (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Eat right and you can’t go wrong (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Exercise is your king, and nutrition is your queen. Together they create your fitness kingdom (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Your waistline is your lifeline (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Life is great when your in shape! (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
If man makes it, I don’t eat it! (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
I can’t die. It would ruin my image (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
You can’t separate the mind and body. It’s impossible (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Invest in yourself now and reap the dividends day after day after month after year (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
People don’t die of old age, they die of neglect (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Do you know how many calories are in butter and cheese and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning for a cup of coffee and a donut? (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Focus on your problem zones, your strength, your energy, your flexibility and all the rest. Maybe your chest is flabby or your hips or waist need toning. Also, you should change your program every thirty days. That’s the key (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
So many older people, they just sit around all day long and they don’t get any exercise. Their muscles atrophy, and they lose their strength, their energy and vitality by inactivity (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
By exercise. I’ll tell you one thing, you don’t always have to be on the go. I sit around a lot, I read a lot, and I do watch television. But I also work out for two hours every day of my life, even when I’m on the road (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
I do it as a therapy. I do it as something to keep me alive. We all need a little discipline. Exercise is my discipline (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
They thought that athletes that worked out with my system wouldn’t be able to throw a ball because they’d be too muscle bound. Those are the misconceptions I had to go through for about 40 years (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
We don’t know all the answers. If we knew all the answers we’d be bored, wouldn’t we? We keep looking, searching, trying to get more knowledge (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
What you need to do is get that tape measure out, and start measuring that gut. Then you start working out and you start eating properly till that gut gets down close to it was when you were in your 20’s. Then you’ll find out what your weight should be (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Yes, exercise is the catalyst. That’s what makes everything happen: your digestion, your elimination, your sex life, your skin, hair, everything about you depends on circulation. And how do you increase circulation? (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
You can’t get rid of it with exercise alone. You can do the most vigorous exercise and only burn up 300 calories in an hour. If you’ve got fat on your body, the exercise firms and tones the muscles. But when you use that tape measure, what makes it bigger? It’s the fat! (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
My goal has always been to help people help themselves. Your body is your most priceless possession; you’ve go to take care of it! (Jack LaLanne Quotes)
Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom (Jack LaLanne Quotes)