James Altucher Quotes

Text Quotes
The American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam (James Altucher Quotes)
Poker is a skill game pretending to be a chance game (James Altucher Quotes)
Branding jails corporate America, but honesty sets entrepreneurs free (James Altucher Quotes)
You’re the average of the five people you spend your time with (James Altucher Quotes)
Being a leader doesn’t mean you are the guy who runs things (James Altucher Quotes)
Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack (James Altucher Quotes)
Being a leader doesn’t mean you created something or you did something great in the past or some other person has given you any kind of authority. (James Altucher Quotes)
Don’t forget: when you start a website, it’s not yet a trusted site. So you have to bring people from a trusted site to your site to build up the trust in your site. (James Altucher Quotes)
I’ve had to change careers several times. Sometimes because my interests changed. Sometimes because all bridges have been burned beyond recognition, sometimes because I desperately needed money. And sometimes just because I hated everyone in my old career or they hated me. (James Altucher Quotes)
Help is a conversation. If one side talks too much, the other side will get bored. So make sure you help back when you can. (James Altucher Quotes)
Honesty is about the scars. It’s about the blemishes. But it’s more than just bragging about failure, which could be a form of ego. It’s about truly helping people. (James Altucher Quotes)
It’s hard to know which stars in the sky will turn into black holes. And which ones will open up worm holes into entire new universes. (James Altucher Quotes)
Don’t regret your mistakes. You’ll always make mistakes. The better you are, the less mistakes you make. The only way to get better is to thoroughly analyze your mistakes. (James Altucher Quotes)
Every game, and almost every life situation, has short cuts: ways you can get better without learning the entire literature of the game from beginning to end. (James Altucher Quotes)
I love being honest and intimate with people. I love building community. I love emailing with readers. (James Altucher Quotes)
Most people are not good people. In business, in art, in almost every ‘world’ I’ve been in, most people I’ve meet are pretty gray to black. It takes practice to be the person who is a source of compassion and honesty. (James Altucher Quotes)
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an employee, a student, a homemaker, a writer, it’s time to start forgetting about all the ways the world has promised you safety and comfort. (James Altucher Quotes)
Money you lose you can always make back. But even five minutes of time lost is gone forever. (James Altucher Quotes)
The six people you must find today... Someone to love. Someone to thank. Someone to be grateful for. Someone to forgive Someone to forget Someone to admire. (James Altucher Quotes)
Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure (James Altucher Quotes)
If you try to get 1% better each day at your health, at your relationships and the way you treat people, at your creativity, and at turning despair into gratitude, then that 1% compounds into an amazing person. Do that 1%. Take one action. Even if the actions is for one minute. The 1/1/1 strategy (James Altucher Quotes)
No longer is someone coming to hire you, to invest in your company, to sign you, to pick you. It’s on you to make the most important decision in your life: Choose Yourself! (James Altucher Quotes)
Robots are the new middle class. And everyone else will either be an entrepreneur or a temp staffer (James Altucher Quotes)
My feeling, based on my own experience, is that aiming for grandiosity is the fastest route to failure. (James Altucher Quotes)
The universe wants us to have fun doing more than one thing in life. That’s how it learns. You don’t have one purpose in life. You have maybe 500 or so. (James Altucher Quotes)
Forget purpose. It’s okay to be happy without one. The quest for a single purpose has ruined many lives. (James Altucher Quotes)
Your hands are not made to type out memos. Or put paper through fax machines. Or hold a phone up while you talk to people you dislike. One hundred years from now, your hands will rot like dust in your grave. You have to make wonderful use of those hands now. Kiss your hands so they can make magic. (James Altucher Quotes)
When I was 22, I was thrown out of graduate school and then fired from three jobs in a row at higher and higher salaries where I saved nothing. (James Altucher Quotes)
I always imagine a good leader is surrounded by people who call their mothers at the end of the day and tell them, ‘Mom, you can’t believe what I did today. Let me tell you about it.’ (James Altucher Quotes)
The reality is: when you’re slouched over, not only are you not using the full potential of your brain, but you look untrustworthy. (James Altucher Quotes)