James Clerk Maxwell Quotes

Text Quotes
Faraday is, and must always remain, the father of that enlarged science of electromagnetism (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Aye, I suppose I could stay up that late (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
What’s the go of that? What’s the particular go of that? (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The true logic of this world is in the calculus of probabilities (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Thoroughly conscious ignorance is the prelude to every real advance in science (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The student who uses home made apparatus, which is always going wrong, often learns more than one who has the use of carefully adjusted instruments, to which he is apt to trust and which he dares not take to pieces (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Colour as perceived by us is a function of three independent variables at least three are I think sufficient, but time will show if I thrive (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
We may find illustrations of the highest doctrines of science in games and gymnastics, in travelling by land and by water, in storms of the air and of the sea, and wherever there is matter in motion (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Heat may be generated and destroyed by certain processes, and this shows that heat is not a substance (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The equations at which we arrive must be such that a person of any nation, by substituting the numerical values of the quantities as measured by his own national units, would obtain a true result (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
In your letter you apply the word imponderable to a molecule. Don’t do that again. It may also be worth knowing that the aether cannot be molecular. If it were, it would be a gas, and a pint of it would have the same properties as regards heat, etc., as a pint of air, except that it would not be so heavy (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
What, then, is light according to the electromagnetic theory? It consists of alternate and opposite rapidly recurring transverse magnetic disturbances, accompanied with electric displacements, the direction of the electric displacement being at the right angles to the magnetic disturbance, and both at right angles to the direction of the ray (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The mathematical difficulties of the theory of rotation arise chiefly from the want of geometrical illustrations and sensible images, by which we might fix the results of analysis in our minds (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
... that, in a few years, all great physical constants will have been approximately estimated, and that the only occupation which will be left to men of science will be to carry these measurements to another place of decimals (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Thus number may be said to rule the whole world of quantity, and the four rules of arithmetic may be regarded as the complete equipment of the mathematician (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
All the mathematical sciences are founded on the relations between physical laws and laws of numbers (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The 2nd law of thermodynamics has the same degree of truth as the statement that if you throw a tumblerful of water into the sea, you cannot get the same tumblerful of water out again (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
In every branch of knowledge the progress is proportional to the amount of facts on which to build, and therefore to the facility of obtaining data (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Gases are distinguished from other forms of matter, not only by their power of indefinite expansion so as to fill any vessel, however large, and by the great effect heat has in dilating them, but by the uniformity and simplicity of the laws which regulate these changes (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
In fact, whenever energy is transmitted from one body to another in time, there must be a medium or substance in which the energy exists after it leaves one body and before it reaches the other... and if we admit this medium as an hypothesis, I think it ought to occupy a prominent place in our investigations, and that we ought to endeavour to construct a mental representation of all the details of its action, and this has been my constant aim in this treatise (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Science appears to us with a very different aspect after we have found out that it is not in lecture rooms only, and by means of the electric light projected on a screen, that we may witness physical phenomena, but that we may find illustrations of the highest doctrines of science in games and gymnastics, in travelling by land and by water, in storms of the air and of the sea, and wherever there is matter in motion (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
It is of great advantage to the student of any subject to read the original memoirs on that subject, for science is always most completely assimilated when it is in the nascent state (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
I have also a paper afloat, with an electromagnetic theory of light, which, till I am convinced to the contrary, I hold to be great guns (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The only laws of matter are those that our minds must fabricate and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
The mind of man has perplexed itself with many hard questions. Is space infinite, and in what sense? Is the material world infinite in extent, and are all places within that extent equally full of matter? Do atoms exist or is matter infinitely divisible? (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
Mathematicians may flatter themselves that they possess new ideas which mere human language is as yet unable to express. Let them make the effort to express these ideas in appropriate words without the aid of symbols, and if they succeed they will not only lay us laymen under a lasting obligation, but, we venture to say, they will find themselves very much enlightened during the process, and will even be doubtful whether the ideas as expressed in symbols had ever quite found their way out of the equations into their minds (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
I have the capacity of being more wicked than any example that man could set me (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)
All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations between physical laws and laws of numbers, so that the aim of exact science is to reduce the problems of nature to the determination of quantities by operations with numbers (James Clerk Maxwell Quotes)