James Cook Quotes

Text Quotes
The more money spent by government to address social injustice the greater the cries of social injustice. (James Cook Quotes)
Any nation that allows the government to dominate its monetary and economic policies will ultimately suffer grave consequences. (James Cook Quotes)
We should worry about our own souls first and trust in God’s plan for others (James Cook Quotes)
Allowing liberals to manage economic policy is like hiring monkeys to be aircraft mechanics (James Cook Quotes)
Left-wing social policies sicken our behavior and corrupt our culture. People bend principles and sacrifice integrity to get as much as they can from the government. Giveaway programs encourage every imaginable sort of cheating and dishonesty. Wheeling and dealing in food stamps is a way of life. Lying and fraud are commonplace. Whenever you’re dependent on the money, the end justifies the means. (James Cook Quotes)
Nations that embrace the free market to the greatest extent prosper the most (James Cook Quotes)
To use ones religion as a rationalization for lack of financial success demeans that faith (James Cook Quotes)
Let one state in the U.S. be free of government and overnight you would have an economic powerhouse. (James Cook Quotes)
There is nothing very religious about feeling superior to those who don’t share your views (James Cook Quotes)
Our contemporary brand of socialism has one fatal flaw. It’s too expensive. When you try to shower benefits on so many recipients, you eventually must resort to subterfuge. Foremost among those tricks is money and credit expansion. Inevitably, you debase your currency. (James Cook Quotes)
Government charity gives the most to those who refuse to help themselves; private charity gives less. (James Cook Quotes)
Capitalists have done more good for society through their charitable giving, philanthropy and generosity than all their critics combined. (James Cook Quotes)
Government is not using modern technology so much to modernize and improve services as it is to regulate, punish, collect taxes and keep an eye on us. They’d rather rule than serve (James Cook Quotes)
Government charity gives the most to those who refuse to help themselves; private charity gives less (James Cook Quotes)
The reason our economic crisis has been forestalled is the reason there will be an economic crisis (James Cook Quotes)
Our religious understanding and beliefs should evolve just like everything else (James Cook Quotes)
All the warnings the founding fathers gave us about government proved to be true. We should have listened (James Cook Quotes)
With socialized medicine, the trick is not to die while waiting for treatment (James Cook Quotes)
Perhaps the greatest difference among people is between those who never have to worry about money and those who do (James Cook Quotes)
That which you worry about most in life is seldom bad, and that likely applies to dying (James Cook Quotes)
Other than sex, two things bring people together; economic transactions and booze (James Cook Quotes)
Why is it so hard to see that when America had high savings, low taxes and minimal government, the economy grew like a week, and today when we have just the opposite, the economy is shrinking (James Cook Quotes)
The decline and fall of a civilization is barely noticed by most of its citizens (James Cook Quotes)
Incompetent government embraces hiring quotas, thus furthering their incompetence (James Cook Quotes)
Liberals believe and inexhaustible fund exists that can be tapped endlessly to pay for government social programs. Tax the rich and give it to a long line of moochers, pork barrel hustlers and ne’er-do-wells. These funds would otherwise have been employed as additional capital indispensable to economic progress (James Cook Quotes)
The American people have come to rely on the government for their security. They will find out how incompetent the government is when they no longer have security. (James Cook Quotes)
The most practical information about life is sneered at by social planners (James Cook Quotes)
The left controls the media, the institutions of higher learning and the government. They preach against business, disparate merit, decry free enterprise and slander capitalism. (James Cook Quotes)
Nothing’s worse than a business person who sells out to the left, if you’re a capitalist, stand up and be counted. (James Cook Quotes)
If everyone had to start up their own business, socialism would soon die (James Cook Quotes)