James E Faust Quotes

Text Quotes
To receive all of the promised blessings, we must accept the gospel in faith and in full. However, this certain faith does not usually come all at once. We learn spiritually line upon line and precept upon precept (James E Faust Quotes)
Secularism does not accept many things as absolutes. Its principal objectives are pleasure and self-interest. Often, those who embrace secularism have a different look about them (James E Faust Quotes)
Many think that the price of discipleship is too costly and too burdensome. For some, it involves giving up too much. But the cross is not as heavy as it appears to be. Through obedience, we acquire much greater strength to carry it (James E Faust Quotes)
Although science and technology open up boundless opportunities, they also present great perils because Satan employs these marvelous discoveries to his great advantage. (James E Faust Quotes)
I have sometimes questioned the advice and direction I received from my parents and grandparents, but I never questioned the fact that they loved me. I learned that they were in a better position to know more about right and wrong than I did from my limited understanding and from my limited experience. (James E Faust Quotes)
Boys and girls, have confidence in the direction and counsel and advice of your parents and grandparents who love you more than anybody else in the world does. (James E Faust Quotes)
Our Redeemer took upon Himself all the sins, pains, infirmities, and sicknesses of all who have ever lived and will ever live. (James E Faust Quotes)
Discipleship does not come from positions of prominence, wealth, or advanced learning. The disciples of Jesus came from all walks of life. (James E Faust Quotes)
As a child, when I lost things such as my precious pocketknife, I learned that if I prayed hard enough, I could usually find it. I was always able to find the lost cows I was entrusted with. Sometimes I had to pray more than once, but my prayers always seemed to be answered. (James E Faust Quotes)
When I was a deacon, my father took me and my older brother to general priesthood meeting in the Tabernacle. I remember how thrilled I was to be in the presence, for the first time, of the prophet of God, President Heber J. Grant, and the other prophets and apostles. (James E Faust Quotes)
An essential part of teaching children to be disciplined and responsible is to have them learn to work. (James E Faust Quotes)
All women have appealing features. I do not refer to model-type appeal, but rather that which comes from your personality, your attitude, and your expressions. I urge you to enhance the natural, God-given, feminine gifts with which you have been so richly blessed. (James E Faust Quotes)
If children are expected to be honest, parents must be honest. If children are expected to be virtuous, parents must be virtuous. If you expect your children to be honorable, you must be honorable. (James E Faust Quotes)
We learn much of parenting from our own parents. My love for my father deepened profoundly when he was kind, patient, and understanding. (James E Faust Quotes)
The Holy Ghost bears witness to us of the truth and impresses upon our souls the reality of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, so surely that no earthly power or authority can separate us from that knowledge. (James E Faust Quotes)
As the Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh, Jesus inherited divine attributes. He was the only person ever born into mortality who could perform this most significant and supernal act. (James E Faust Quotes)
Being a father or a mother is not only a great challenge, it is a divine calling. It is an effort requiring consecration. (James E Faust Quotes)
I am profoundly grateful that all of my life I have had a simple faith that Jesus is the Christ. That witness has been confirmed to me hundreds of times. It is the crowning knowledge of my soul. It is the spiritual light of my being. It is the cornerstone of my life. (James E Faust Quotes)
I remember the day of my baptism very vividly. I was baptized in the baptismal font in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. Those who were being baptized put on white coveralls, and one by one were gently taken down the steps into the water. (James E Faust Quotes)
If we can find forgiveness in our hearts for those who have caused us hurt and injury, we will rise to a higher level of self-esteem and well-being. (James E Faust Quotes)
While few human challenges are greater than that of being good parents, few opportunities offer greater potential for joy. Surely, no more important work is to be done in this world than preparing our children to be God-fearing, happy, honorable, and productive. (James E Faust Quotes)
Being bridled, or yielding obediently to restraint, is necessary for our personal growth and progression. (James E Faust Quotes)
Each woman brings her own separate, unique strengths to the family and the Church. Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity. (James E Faust Quotes)
I believe that the appearance of God the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in 1820 to Joseph Smith unlocked the heavens not only to the great spiritual knowledge revealed in this dispensation but also to secular knowledge. (James E Faust Quotes)
We are bombarded on all sides by a vast number of messages we don’t want or need. More information is generated in a single day than we can absorb in a lifetime. To fully enjoy life, all of us must find our own breathing space and peace of mind. (James E Faust Quotes)
Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test. . . . Peace comes through hope. (James E Faust Quotes)
For those whose faith has faded, the reasons may be real to them, but these reasons do not change the reality of what Joseph Smith restored. (James E Faust Quotes)
One of the most difficult parental challenges is to appropriately discipline children. Child rearing is so individualistic. Every child is different and unique. What works with one may not work with another. (James E Faust Quotes)
All parents hope and pray that their children will make wise decisions. Children who are obedient and responsible bring to their parents unending pride and satisfaction. (James E Faust Quotes)
To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of this sacrifice, conscientious parents develop a nobility of character and learn to put into practice the selfless truths taught by the Savior Himself. (James E Faust Quotes)