James Hunter Quotes
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Text Quotes
Leadership is character in action (James Hunter Quotes)
INTENTIONS ACTION = WILL (James Hunter Quotes)
INTENTIONS - ACTION = SQUAT (James Hunter Quotes)
I’m conscious enough that how I’m singing is not my own accent (James Hunter Quotes)
I get influenced by stuff that isn’t even music (James Hunter Quotes)
My absolute favorite song I’ve ever written is This Is Where We Came In. It’s a nudge at younger listeners, cause at one time you could go into a cinema halfway through a film and then stay through and pick up where you left off. (James Hunter Quotes)
(A manager) once confided in me she liked to picture in her mind’s eye that every employee was wearing one of those sandwich billboard signs. On the front side, the sign would read ‘Appreciate Me’ and on the back side ‘Make Me Feel Important.’ (James Hunter Quotes)
It is a shame that so many leaders spend their time pondering their rights as leaders instead of their awesome responsibilities as leaders (James Hunter Quotes)
I am quite a slow writer. I can only work under pressure; I wait until the last minute (James Hunter Quotes)
For me, hearing the term ‘apply yourself’ was like a crucifix to Bella Lugosi’s Dracula. ‘Ahhh, it burns!’ (James Hunter Quotes)
If I have any claim to originality, I do it by investing my own personality into it, so it’s coming from a slightly more sardonic, English point of view (James Hunter Quotes)
Because I’m English, I try not to make any purely American references, because I want to limit how much I’m pretending to be American (James Hunter Quotes)
If you are approaching the music with more reverence than the original guys invested into it, you are effectively doing it a disservice (James Hunter Quotes)
Slaves do what others want. Servants do what others need (James Hunter Quotes)
Who then is the greatest leader? The one who has served the most (James Hunter Quotes)
Those who follow the crowd will never be followed by the crowd (James Hunter Quotes)
A rut... is little more than a coffin with the ends kicked out (James Hunter Quotes)
Power people are generally threatened by authority people (James Hunter Quotes)
Authority is always built on service and sacrifice (James Hunter Quotes)
Authority cannot be bought or sold, given or taken away (James Hunter Quotes)
Authority: The skill of getting people to willingly do your will, because of your personal influence (James Hunter Quotes)
You can get a few seasons out of power, even accomplish some things, but over time power can be very damaging to relationships (James Hunter Quotes)
A seagull manager is one who periodically flies into the area, makes a lot of noise, dumps on the people, maybe eats their lunch, and flies away (James Hunter Quotes)
Power: The ability to force or coerce someone to do your will, even if they would choose not to, because of your position or your might (James Hunter Quotes)
We must never forget that people buy into the leader before they buy into a mission statement (James Hunter Quotes)
Forgiving behavior is dealing with situations as they arise in an assertive manner and then letting go of any lingering resentment. As the leader, if you are not able to let go of the resentment, it will consume you and render you ineffective (James Hunter Quotes)
Leadership: The skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good (James Hunter Quotes)
Thoughts become actions, actions become habits, habits become our character, and our character becomes our destiny (James Hunter Quotes)
Leadership is not about personality, possessions, or charisma, but all about who you are as a person. I used to believe that leadership was about style but now I know that leadership is about substance, namely character (James Hunter Quotes)
...while everyone’s focusing on keeping the boss happy, who’s focusing on keeping the customer happy? (James Hunter Quotes)
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