James Patterson Quotes

Text Quotes
You are an endless project... changing, evolving, surprising (James Patterson Quotes)
Sometimes a happy delusion is better than grim reality (James Patterson Quotes)
Excuse me? I’m alive too (James Patterson Quotes)
If you love something let it go.. if it comes back its yours (James Patterson Quotes)
Excellent. They were flammable (James Patterson Quotes)
Can I come in? No! I’m in a towel! I’m blind! (James Patterson Quotes)
The hamster called. He wants his home back (James Patterson Quotes)
I offered to pee on him, but they said no (James Patterson Quotes)
Keep this in mind: there are no coincidences (James Patterson Quotes)
Men suck, even imaginary ones (James Patterson Quotes)
Have you been playing in toxic waste lately? (James Patterson Quotes)
You know things have gone bad when military marches pass for pop music (James Patterson Quotes)
Honesty is always good, except when it’s better to lie (James Patterson Quotes)
Love means you can never be apart (James Patterson Quotes)
You stand out like a fart in a church (James Patterson Quotes)
Angel: What’s sauerkraut? Max: You don’t want it. Trust me (James Patterson Quotes)
Fang will be the first to die (James Patterson Quotes)
What are we but our stories? (James Patterson Quotes)
Do you ever have dirty thoughts about spongebob? (James Patterson Quotes)
You love me this much! (James Patterson Quotes)
I was crazily, deeply, incredibly, joyously, terrifiedly in love (James Patterson Quotes)
Everything I loved was taken away from me, and I did not die (James Patterson Quotes)
You plan to fail if you fail to plan (James Patterson Quotes)
Our parents were a test tube and a turkey baster (James Patterson Quotes)
There’s always be a me and you (James Patterson Quotes)
Fear is not the answer, not ever (James Patterson Quotes)
How could you stop loving me? (James Patterson Quotes)
Oh great. Yoda captured us (James Patterson Quotes)
Pain is a message, and you can choose to ignore that message (James Patterson Quotes)
Another day. Get up and face it (James Patterson Quotes)