James Richardson Quotes

Text Quotes
Happiness, like water, is always available, but so often it seems we’d prefer a different drink. (James Richardson Quotes)
The first quest or the first love is also the last. The second isn’t. (James Richardson Quotes)
The God of many cannot remain the true god (James Richardson Quotes)
Water deepens where it has to wait (James Richardson Quotes)
Impatience is not wanting to understand that you don’t understand (James Richardson Quotes)
Say too soon what you think and you will say what everyone else thinks (James Richardson Quotes)
Patience is not very different from courage. It just takes longer (James Richardson Quotes)
Bitterness is a greater failure than failure (James Richardson Quotes)
A day is only a day. But a life is only a life (James Richardson Quotes)
The procrastinator dreads beginning, the workaholic, ending (James Richardson Quotes)
I’ll buy that means also I believe it (James Richardson Quotes)
Your choices: spend, and believe in things; save, and believe in money (James Richardson Quotes)
If I do not waste time, I am wasting my time (James Richardson Quotes)
Greater than the temptations of beauty are those of method (James Richardson Quotes)
Success is whatever humiliation everyone has agreed to compete for (James Richardson Quotes)
What I’m not changes more than what I am (James Richardson Quotes)
The first abuse of power is not realizing that you have it (James Richardson Quotes)
Easier to keep changing your life than to live it (James Richardson Quotes)
The road reaches every place, the short cut only one (James Richardson Quotes)
Patience is decisive indecision (James Richardson Quotes)
Let me have my dreams but not what I dream of (James Richardson Quotes)
The man who sticks to his plan will become what he used to want to be (James Richardson Quotes)
Any virtue systematically applied becomes a vice. Morality is attention, not system (James Richardson Quotes)
Value yourself according to the burdens you carry, and you will find everything a burden (James Richardson Quotes)
How often feelings are circular. How embarrassing to be embarrassed. How annoying to be annoyed (James Richardson Quotes)
I’m sitting here bored,... trying to remember that everything is a complete mystery (James Richardson Quotes)
I am not unambitious. I am just too ambitious for what you call ambitions (James Richardson Quotes)
To know, you just have to know. To believe, you have to make others believe (James Richardson Quotes)
The cynic suffers the form of faith without love. Incredulity is his piety (James Richardson Quotes)
To condemn your sin in another is hypocrisy. Not to condemn is to reserve your right to sin (James Richardson Quotes)