James Russell Lowell Quotes

Text Quotes
Old gold has a civilizing virtue which new gold must grow old to be capable of secreting (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Life may be given in many ways, and loyalty to truth be sealed as bravely in the closet as the field (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
If the devil take a less hateful shape to us than to our fathers, he is as busy with us as with them (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Love lives on, and hath a power to bless when they who loved are hidden in the grave (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
It is by presence of mind in untried emergencies that the native metal of man is tested (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
At the devil’s booth are all things sold. Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
The story of any one man’s real experience finds its startling parallel in that of every one of us (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Good heavens, of what un costly material is our earthly happiness composed... if we only knew it. What incomes have we not had from a flower, and how unfailing are the dividends of the seasons (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Old events have modern meanings; only that survives of past history which finds kindred in all hearts and lives (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
The dandelions and buttercups gild all the lawn: the drowsy bee stumbles among the clover tops, and summer sweetens all to me (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Reading enables us to see with the keenest eyes, to hear with the finest ears, and listen to the sweetest voices of all time (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means power, and it means leisure, it means liberty (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
How I do love the earth. I feel it thrill under my feet. I feel somehow as if it were conscious of my love, as if something passed into my dancing blood from it (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
The ultimate result of protecting fools from their folly is to fill the planet full of fools (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Certainly it is no shame to a man that he should be as nice about his country as his sweetheart, yet it would not be wise to hold everyone an enemy who could not see her with our own enchanted eyes (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
There is no bore we dread being left alone with so much as our own minds (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Truth, after all, wears a different face to everybody, and it would be too tedious to wait till all were agreed. She is said to lie at the bottom of a well, for the very reason, perhaps, that whoever looks down in search of her sees his own image at the bottom, and is persuaded not only that he has seen the goddess, but that she is far better looking than he had imagined (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
All free governments, whatever their name, are in reality governments by public opinion ; and it is on the quality of this public opinion that their prosperity depends. It is, therefore, their first duty to purify the element from which they draw the breath of life (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Democracy is nothing more than an experiment in government, more likely to succeed in a new soil, but likely to be tried in all soils, which must stand or fall on its own merits as others have done before it. For there is no trick of perpetual motion in politics any more than in mechanics (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
It is by presence of mind in untried emergencies that the native metal of a man is tested (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Democracy is that form of society, no matter what its political classification, in which every man has a chance and knows that he has it (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
No price is set on the lavish summer; June may be had by the poorest comer (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
It is curious how tyrannical the habit of reading is, and what shifts we make to escape thinking. There is no bore we dread being left alone with so much as our own minds (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which will never happen (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
It is the privilege of genius that to it life never grows commonplace as to the rest of us (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Fanaticism, or, to call it by its milder name, enthusiasm, is only powerful and active so long as it is aggressive. Establish it firmly in power, and it becomes conservatism, whether it will or no (James Russell Lowell Quotes)
Comparative criticism teaches us that moral and aesthetic defects are more nearly related than is commonly supposed (James Russell Lowell Quotes)