Janet Fitch Quotes

Text Quotes
Without my wounds, who was I? my scars were my face, my past was my life (Janet Fitch Quotes)
I wondered where he was now whether I would ever hear him again. Whether someone would love him, someday show him what beauty mean't (Janet Fitch Quotes)
I thought how tenuous the links were between mother and children between friends family things you think are eternal. Everything could be lost more easily than anyone could imagine (Janet Fitch Quotes)
She was a beautiful woman dragging a crippled foot and I was that foot. I was bricks sewn into the hem of her clothes, I was a steel dress (Janet Fitch Quotes)
After all the fears, the warnings, after all, a woman's mistakes are different from a girl's. They are written by fire on stone. They are a trait and not an error (Janet Fitch Quotes)
And if there is no god? You act as if there is, and it's the same thing (Janet Fitch Quotes)
Love's an illusion. It's a dream you wake up from with an enormous hangover and net credit debt. I'd rather have cash (Janet Fitch Quotes)
The sound of her laughter was sticky as sap, the smell of night-blooming jasmine soft as a milk bath (Janet Fitch Quotes)
If evil means to be self-motivated, to be the center of one's own universe, to live on one's own terms, then every artist, every thinker, every original mind, is evil (Janet Fitch Quotes)
A person didn't need to be beautiful, they just needed to be loved. But I couldn't help wanting it. If that was the way I could be loved, to be beautiful, I'd take it (Janet Fitch Quotes)
Being in the library is so addictive for me that I really have to exercise self-control so I can get some writing done at home (Janet Fitch Quotes)
In a perverse way, I was glad for the stitches, glad it would show, that there would be scars. What was the point in just being hurt on the inside? It should bloody well show (Janet Fitch Quotes)
Pick a better verb. Most people use twenty verbs to describe everything from a run in their stocking to the explosion of an A-bomb (Janet Fitch Quotes)
What can I say about life? Do I praise it for letting you live, or damn it for allowing the rest? (Janet Fitch Quotes)
If this was a sandalwood pyre she would have thrown herself in and this paper she'd become would have caught fire and she and him could sail away like two birds (Janet Fitch Quotes)
A cliche is like a coin that has been handled too much. Once language has been overly handled, it no longer leaves a clear imprint (Janet Fitch Quotes)
As a person with terrible handwriting, I love the computer. I've waited all my life for the computer (Janet Fitch Quotes)
As an artist, you can never get what you want. What you do never approaches what you want it to be (Janet Fitch Quotes)
I tried writing fiction as a little kid, but had a teacher humiliate me, so didn't write again until I was a senior in college (Janet Fitch Quotes)
My house is modern, but I like my writing room to be old fashioned. I write on a little wooden secretary desk (Janet Fitch Quotes)
We don't have a unitary society anymore, you know; it's very fragmented. I look up and down my block in Silverlake and there is a different universe in every house (Janet Fitch Quotes)
I emitted some civetlike female stink, a distinct perfume of sexual wanting, that he had followed to find me here in the dark (Janet Fitch Quotes)
The poets are the standard bearers of language. Their work lives or dies word by word. When I write and can hear a clunky sentence, I try to write up to the poetry that I have recited beforehand (Janet Fitch Quotes)
Don’t hoard the past. Don’t cherish anything. Burn it. The artist is the phoenix who burns to emerge (Janet Fitch Quotes)
A couple of times, I could have turned a trick. But I didn’t want to start. I knew how it would play. When you started thinking it was easy, you were forgetting what it cost (Janet Fitch Quotes)
Beauty was deceptive. I would rather wear my pain, my ugliness. I was torn and stitched. I was a strip mine, and they would just have to look. I hoped I made them sick. I hoped they saw me in their dreams (Janet Fitch Quotes)
Don’t attach yourself to anyone who shows you the least bit of attention because you’re lonely. Lonliness is the human condition. No one is ever going to fill that space. The best thing you can do it know yourself... know what you want (Janet Fitch Quotes)
It wasn’t awful to be dead. The stillness would almost be a relief. She wouldn’t want pain, she wouldn’t want to be wounded or mutilated. She could never shoot herself or jump off a building. But being dead wasn’t unthinkable (Janet Fitch Quotes)
The pearls weren’t really white, they were a warm oyster beige, with little knots in between so if they broke, you only lost one. I wished my life could be like that, knotted up so that even if something broke, the whole thing wouldn’t come apart (Janet Fitch Quotes)
And I realized as I walked through the neighborhood how each house could contain a completely different reality. In a single block, there could be fifty seperate worlds. Nobody ever really knew what was going on just next door (Janet Fitch Quotes)