Janet Morris Quotes

Text Quotes
I thought we'd die there, quarrels in our backs, you for what you did and me for bearing witness (Janet Morris Quotes)
Men may not believe you, my son. But you must always say the truth, when the truth holds no danger for you or your loved ones (Janet Morris Quotes)
We've the new hard-steel, though why they're all so hot to pay twice the price when men're soft as clay and even wood will pierce the boldest belly, I can't say (Janet Morris Quotes)
Choose life over death, Niko, when a choice can be made that puts no soul in jeopardy (Janet Morris Quotes)
To the death with honor, shoulder to shoulder, and no one gets closer to a Stepson than his partner (Janet Morris Quotes)
Dreamers and dreaming dead, lots of them from neither here nor there with no chance of getting home again, lost in place and time (Janet Morris Quotes)
The Fates are here because of supernal anger, celestial imbalance, and arrogance of men and gods that must be curbed (Janet Morris Quotes)
If cities have souls, Sanctuary's was troubled long before Tempus got here, and will be troubled long after he and his are gone (Janet Morris Quotes)
I survive. I survived it all then and I'll survive the rest of it. Without your help (Janet Morris Quotes)
Be polite to all, friendly to none. Be professional. Be ready to kill everyone and everything (Janet Morris Quotes)
It's all right. Things as they once were will never be again, but it's all right (Janet Morris Quotes)
You count up your dead, every one. Always. Recall them, each and all - every face, every heart (Janet Morris Quotes)
You're not one to take lightly, to love of for an evening and leave of a dawn (Janet Morris Quotes)
Die never for a God, Nikodemos who should know better - not your soldiers' God, nor any other (Janet Morris Quotes)
Don't forget, Riddler, how I love thee. Or all we shared together. Or that this sea and all other seas can lead you back to me (Janet Morris Quotes)
This is as 'alone' as I'm likely to get with you - you're not half so fetching as your daughter (Janet Morris Quotes)
There must be a corps that will battle for righteousness, for there are endless battalions who serve unrighteousness (Janet Morris Quotes)
We fouled up. I did. He got hurt. Badly, maybe. And the God... is not helping him today (Janet Morris Quotes)
This was what men fought for, what men died for: a chance at life, and to fight on other days - the battle of your choice, of the body, or the heart, or the soul (Janet Morris Quotes)
It's all the same - no good without evil, no balance... no maat. If we lose one, we lose the other. It's just life, that's all (Janet Morris Quotes)
So well do I love you, I go to my God singing your praises. When I meet my father, I will tell him I fought beside you (Janet Morris Quotes)
Tempus wanders eternally, bringing death to whomever loves him and being spurned by whomsoever he shall love (Janet Morris Quotes)
The gods want to bring a better day, and you are their messengers. Trust not in all you see. Trust only in your hearts. And in us, who love you both (Janet Morris Quotes)
He loves the world so much. I agree it would be a shame to take that love away from meadow and tree, stream and sky, and all that lives in nature, and leave them lonely (Janet Morris Quotes)
Death's easy to find. If She wants you, you'll meet Her here as well as anywhere (Janet Morris Quotes)
The heavens listen to what is said on these cobbles. Laws of man and nature come together here. Here you must be firm. Here you must be true (Janet Morris Quotes)
Use him wisely. Few have been given such a weapon by the gods or Fates before (Janet Morris Quotes)
Gods are nothing without their worshipers; they act on the affairs and the passions of men (Janet Morris Quotes)
The two stallions, the silver and the black, represent the equine God (whomsoever horses pray to) in this ritual so ancient that no one knows what God to thank (Janet Morris Quotes)
Gather the shards of your courage. Patch together what resolve you can. We'll find this thing - and kill it (Janet Morris Quotes)