Japan Quotes

Text Quotes
The biggest trading partner of the United States is not West Germany or Japan, it’s right here (Japan Quotes)
Living in Europe, I was surprised to find out just how little everyone knows about Japan (Japan Quotes)
For too long, japan has been dragging its feet as it ignores the steps the U. S. Has made to ensure a safe beef supply and shows a disregard for our prior trade pacts (Japan Quotes)
The weekend brought good news for our friends in the cattle industry. At long last, Japan has taken the steps needed for American beef to make its way back into the Japanese market (Japan Quotes)
My observation is that after one hundred and twenty years of modernisation since the opening of the country, present - day Japan is split between two opposite poles of ambiguity (Japan Quotes)
Paradoxically, the people and state of Japan living on such moral props were not innocent but had been stained by their own past history of invading other Asian countries (Japan Quotes)
The ambiguous orientation of Japan drove the country into the position of an invader in Asia (Japan Quotes)
The way Japan had tried to build up a modern state modelled on the West was cataclysmic (Japan Quotes)
But, I’ve made films in Japan, in Yugoslavia, all over Europe, all over the United States, Mexico, but not Hollywood (Japan Quotes)
The problem of Italy is not really a question of age. Japan has an older population, and it is now in full economic recovery. The problem is that Italy is old in the structure of the society (Japan Quotes)
Japan is an important ally of ours. Japan and the United States of the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP, two countries. That’s a statement in and of itself (Japan Quotes)
I’ve been to Japan, I’ve been to China, I’ve been to Africa, I’ve been to the Middle East, I’ve been to Europe a little bit. I’ve never been to South America (Japan Quotes)
So that between the Cape of St. Maria and Japan we were four months and twenty-two days; at which time there were no more than six besides myself that could stand upon his feet (Japan Quotes)
When I race in Australia or Korea or Japan I know it will be a big change for me because Ferrari fans are worldwide (Japan Quotes)
Sure, president Bush can say that the U. S. Government won’t fund stem cell research, but believe me, japan is applauding. Because they will just do it first and get all the patents (Japan Quotes)
But in Japan, there’s nothing like that, since the temple is made of wood. The divine spirit inside the building is eternal, so the enclosure doesn’t have to be (Japan Quotes)
When we arrived in Japan in 1988, we were not prepared for the overwhelming support shown to us (Japan Quotes)
I’ve always said that playing rugby in Spain is like being a bullfighter in Japan (Japan Quotes)
In Japan, you get on the bullet train or the airplane, and I loved the little speeches the stewardesses would do. They even do little speeches before you play gigs (Japan Quotes)
Our military thought that they couldn’t get to Pearl Harbor, that it was too long a journey from Japan to get there, and they proved us wrong (Japan Quotes)
Today osteoporosis affects more than 75 million people in the United States, Europe and Japan and causes more than 2.3 million fractures in the USA and Europe alone (Japan Quotes)
The E. U. Imports more agricultural goods from developing countries around the world than does the U. S., canada and Japan, combined (Japan Quotes)
I also won one from the emperor of Japan, with a prize for the arts. That’s important (Japan Quotes)
I went to the Tokyo Film Festival in Japan because I love Japanese cinema (Japan Quotes)
There’s a tremendous amount of energy in Japan and, increasingly, in China (Japan Quotes)
Japan’s inexplicable lack of response to even consider a move to re-open their market to U. S. Beef will sorely tempt economic trade action against Japan (Japan Quotes)
The thing I can say about Japan is they were progressive for a country that is very male dominant (Japan Quotes)
Well actually, we are working on the live album from the shows in Japan. I’m trying to get that finished (Japan Quotes)
I loved Japan. I used to read a lot about it when I was a child. And I always wanted to go. And it was delightful. I absolutely loved it. What a smashing place (Japan Quotes)
In Japan, violence in games is pretty much self-regulated.There’s more violence in games in the U.S., in things like Mortal Kombat, where they rip out hearts and cut off heads (Japan Quotes)