Jarod Kintz Quotes

Text Quotes
Being strong is not the same as being a strong being. I should know because cowardice runs in my family, as I always run from my fears. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
A brick could be used as a fashion accessory. Or an accessory to murder. I believe the phrase is, If looks could kill. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
If you’re a cannibal, an Olympic sprinter would be considered fast food (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I drive as fast as four tire swings hanging from a tree branch in the middle of winter. I also make love with as much speed and rotation. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I wasn’t fast asleep. But only because I was sleep walking, and I’m not a speed walker. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
Love is you wearing her favorite shirt of yours, just like you did yesterday and the day before. And the day before that too. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
If my favorite three letters are X, Z, and Q, then my favorite word is Xazaqazax. It means a lover of love. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
My favorite snack is vagina. The only thing I hate is unwrapping all that saran wrap. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
String several words together in a sentence and you have a language necklace. My I love you would look great with your favorite red dress. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I know how to handle a sword, a gun, and a kangaroo pouch stuffed with marshmallows. You should fear me. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
For my birthday, a few of my wealthier friends got me a pot to piss in. Also, they were kind enough to fill it up with cat litter. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
A writer should be a recluse. Why share words with a few friends in the moment when they can be written down in solitude and shared with everybody at any time? (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
Using my nipples as bait, I went fishing for compliments. I got a few bites, but nothing to write about in Field and Stream. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
If I promise you I’ll show up fifteen minutes late, I’ll always arrive on time (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I talked to a calzone for fifteen minutes last night before I realized it was just an introverted pizza. I wish all my acquaintances were so tasty. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
The ocean waves were choppy. Good thing I know karate and was able to fight back. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I want to do something so hard so easily, and I want to do it with no hands. Only gloves. Love will fill the void. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I think a cool #startup would be a company that makes Finish line tape, for marathons. In the long run, it could be very profitable. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
For our first date we went Dutch. We would have gone another nationality, but they are the tallest. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I am the mermaid of desire. Half man, half aquatic creature, I fish for my other half. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
Love is missing your flight because you have a train to catch. I also have a football to catch. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
The clouds are like marble in the sky, and I just want to make a kitchen counter out of the atmosphere. I can cook like a flock of birds. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
A flower blooms in my heart. You may call that love, but I call it water conservation. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
Our love went from fly to flower to butterfly, and it was meant to beautifully flutter, not sit still on a shelf like a trophy to be collected. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
To wait on love is to tie a weight on your heart and slowly drown. Why sink when you can fly by freely giving love away~? (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
I must be a great leader because many people follow me. Most of the people are police officers, if that gives you any indication of my character. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
To show the football coach I was ready to play tight end, I wore no pants and had a Q-tip dangling out of my ass. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
My penis burns. I guess I should stop trying to put out forest fires with it. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
Yesterday is as ancient as a millennia ago, because both are forever out of reach (Jarod Kintz Quotes)
She said she’d love me forever. That was two days ago, so I should probably ask her again if she still feels the same way. (Jarod Kintz Quotes)