Jason Calacanis Quotes
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Text Quotes
The key to building a sustainable content company is to control costs (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
As a publisher, you have no direct relationship with advertisers (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
I don’t need YouTube’s money. I have my own money (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
As the founder of your company, you must be in love with your brand and inspired by your brand’s mission if you have any hope of getting press for your product. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
While people are quick to praise the wisdom of the crowd, being an old-school journalist, I look at the wisdom of the crowd and know it can quickly turn into a mob mentality. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Car technology needs to advance, and the best place for that to happen in is Silicon Valley (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
There’s nobody who has as big of a real-time logistics network than Uber (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Commercial real estate is really a black box: its super opaque, and it’s hard to get the information. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Airbnb is a much more effective protest than shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Today you can start a blog, build an audience, and give the advertising slots to AdBrite or Google AdSense. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
I really think the Uberfication of everything is a trend that I didn’t expect to be coming this fast. I mean, every single thing you want to do in your life, people are building services to take all the pain out. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Google can say they are not in the content business, but if they are paying people and distributing and archiving their work, it is getting harder to make that case. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
The problem today isn’t low-quality journalism, it’s too much noise. If one out of five ‘Business Insider’ stories is original, the other four would be culled. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
YouTube has made a lot of changes to support time on site - a statistic they care about. But subscriber support is lacking. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Just start thinking about all the different services in your life. Like getting your dry cleaning picked up and dropped off. Nobody has done the Uber of that yet. But that will be Uberfied. You will arrange your dry cleaning via your phone. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
The stuff coming out of Silicon Valley is dorky. Like, it’s not very sexy. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
The balance of power shifts on the Internet to the individual. This is a two-way medium. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Fire fast: Fire people who do not fit into the culture of your company and who are negative (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
This concept that starting a company is so hard and that you’ll never make it is conspiracy concocted by the rich and powerful to keep you from trying - and you’ve fallen for it. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
The first phase of social media was listening to the conversation. The second phase was joining the conversation. The third phase will be hosting the conversation on your site. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
I’m trying to correct what is wrong in journalism today: wasting users’ time (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
CNN was crazy to think they could fill 24 hours with news - let alone around the world in 10 to 20 languages. Reuters or AP with a thousand people around the world covering news? Crazy. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
If the founder comes to work every day, and it’s a struggle, that permeates the whole organization. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Blogging is great, and I read blogs all day long. However, my goal is really to have a deep, meaningful discussion with people. For some reason, I’m able to accomplish this best via email. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
I’ve gotten more press than any entrepreneur could dream of - certainly more than I deserve - and I’ve never had a public relations firm working for me. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
All we have to do is find something we love doing each day, surround ourselves with like-minded people, and put all of our effort into that one thing at all times. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Of course the first version of an all-electric sports car is going to be expensive (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Excellence is everything today, and most people aren’t excellent. If you’re not excellent - like truly excellent at what you do - you’re toast. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
Social media, like blogs, are truth-seeking technologies. In fact, the Internet itself is the greatest truth-generating device ever created. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
If you’ve got a good job, you should bust your butt to make your company as successful and profitable as possible. (Jason Calacanis Quotes)
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