Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes

Text Quotes
Without peace, all other dreams vanish and are reduced to ashes (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
The only alternative to coexistence is codestruction (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
I am the last Englishman to rule in India (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Citizenship consists in the service of the country (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Most things, except agriculture, can wait (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
What is history, indeed, but a record of change? (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Ignorance is always afraid of change (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
The future belongs to science and those who make friends with science (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
A country is known by the way it treats its animals (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
I have become a queer mixture of the East and the West, out of place everywhere, at home nowhere (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Success often comes to those who dare to act. It seldom goes to the timid who are ever afraid of the consequences (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
I have long believed that the only way peace can be achieved is through world government (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
The spectacle of what is called religion, or at any rate organised religion, in India and elsewhere, has filled me with horror and I have frequently condemned it and wished to make a clean sweep of it. Almost always it seemed to stand for blind belief and reaction, dogma and bigotry, superstition, exploitation and the preservation of vested interests (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
No country or people who are slaves to dogma and the dogmatic mentality can progress, and unhappily our country and people have become extraordinarily dogmatic and little-minded (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
A tyrst with destiny - A the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awaken to life and Freedom (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
The Bhagavad Gita deals essentially with the spiritual foundation of human existence. It is a call of action to meet the obligations and duties of life; yet keeping in view the spiritual nature and grander purpose of the universe (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Act with courage and dignity; stick to the ideals that give meaning to life (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim and a Hindu only by accident of birth. (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
A great disaster is a symbol to us to remember all the big things of life and forget the small things, of which we have thought too much. (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
It is far better to know our own weaknesses and failures than to point out those of others (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
A theory must be tempered with reality (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Democracy and socialism are means to an end, not the end itself (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives and principles (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)
Great causes and little men go ill together (Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes)