Jean Chatzky Quotes

Text Quotes
Older couples bring obligations such as support payments and debt as well as decades of financial experience to a marriage. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
People with financial plans are much more likely to feel prepared, even in tumultuous times. They’re more likely to feel that their dreams and goals are secure. And, oh yes, they do actually save significantly more. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
No one anticipates divorce when they’re exchanging vows, and it can be devastating emotionally and financially. To ease the financial side of the blow, you need to maintain your financial identity in your relationship. That means having your own credit history - you need your own credit card - and your own savings and retirement accounts. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
If you’re filing bankruptcy, you will likely want to hire an attorney. But for debt settlement, a company is sufficient, or as I said, you can often do the legwork on your own. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
It doesn’t help to follow every rise and fall of your portfolio. It’s better to tune out the day-to-day shifts, in fact. But getting a handle on the larger picture will make you feel more secure, and that goes a long way in calming your fear. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
You can refi your car loan just like you can refi your mortgage. It’s even easier and less expensive. There’s no appraisal process, and fees are minimal for a new car title. A couple of caveats: Most lenders require that the car be less than five years old and have a minimum loan balance of $7,500. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
At the time of my second marriage, my husband was in his early 50s, I was in my mid-40s, and we each had two kids. We maintained our individual accounts and opened one for the house. We each kick the same percentage of our incomes into the house account and have a joint credit card. But we pay for our children separately. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Most credit cards provide some sort of protection against a defective purchase, and with gold or platinum cards, you’ll often get double the manufacturer’s warranty. You’re also not immediately out your own money if something goes wrong. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
You’ll get the biggest bang for each buck by paying off the highest interest rate debt in your portfolio first, while making minimum payments on the remainder. It’s called the avalanche method, and it gets you out of debt cheapest and fastest. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Women take fewer financial risks than men do, but not because we’re wusses. Both sexes secrete the hormone oxytocin in stressful situations, but women secrete more of it, which helps us stay calmer. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Garnishments tend to happen when people hide from their debts and stop making even minimum payments. Eventually, creditors sell the debt to a collection agency. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
By working toward a financial objective, you’ll start to see the money add up for retirement or the credit card balance go down. But it doesn’t have an immediate impact on your day-to-day life, and when it does - like when you’re pinching pennies to save more - the immediate impact could feel negative. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Take the cards out of your wallet. A debit card is accepted just about everywhere that credit cards are, and you’ll be spending money you have - always a good thing. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
You must be sure - and I mean absolutely positive - that you have the willpower to pay off those credit cards and not use them again. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
You also need to understand that when you consolidate credit card debt into mortgage debt - like a home equity loan or a HELOC [ home equity line of credit ] - you’re taking an unsecured debt and turning it into a secured debt. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
When you default on a secured debt, the creditor takes the asset that backs up that debt. When you convert credit card debt to mortgage debt, you are securing that credit card debt with your home. That’s a risky proposition. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Don’t let the fact that you’re spending time getting organized result in late fees on your credit card bills. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
If you default on an unsecured debt, you won’t lose anything (except points on your credit score). (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Face your financial issues head on. Open your bills, pick up the phone, call your lender. If applicable, tell them you’re struggling and explain why. If you lost your job or took a pay cut, be ready to prove it. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
The wealthy are confident in their abilities to overcome bad situations - on the job, in their personal lives, with their finances. Many have triumphed over dismal financial starts. And, unlike most of the population that hops from job to job, career to career, the wealthy are much more likely to stick with what they start. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
People who are passionate about what they do reach financial comfort and wealth more often than those who are not. That argues for doing one of two things. Finding your passion and pursuing it. Or becoming passionate about what you’re already pursuing. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
No company can promise an end date, but if you have multiple debts, the first one should be settled within a year. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Whether it’s fly-fishing, taking your camper to the Everglades, or just traveling, everyone has got a little retirement dream. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
While it’s true a small treat won’t blow your budget, indulging every day could - the same way a slice of cake probably won’t hurt but, if you make it a daily habit, you may have trouble fitting in your pants. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
If you’re just starting out in the workforce, the very best thing you can do for yourself is to get started in your workplace retirement plan. Contribute enough to grab any matching dollars your employer is offering (a.k.a. the last free money on earth). (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Many of us, if pressed, would admit that we’d prefer a cash gift to another pair of pajamas or bestselling novel. But giving the green can make even the best of us uncomfortable - the etiquette is confusing, and those who relish picking out the perfect something can miss some of the fun. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Show your kids that needs and wants are two different things. The best way to teach our kids to be smart consumers - and savvy savers - is to model good behavior for them. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
While you’re going through this process of trying to find the satisfaction in your work, pretend you feel satisfied. Tell yourself you had a good day. Walk through the corridors with a smile rather than a scowl. Your positive energy will radiate. If you act like you’re having fun, you’ll find you are having fun. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
If you live in a yard sale kind of neighborhood - in good weather, most neighborhoods are crawling with them on weekends - do a sweep to see what the competition is charging. No one is going to buy your $7 book if they can get it down the block for $1. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)
Optimism is an expectation that good things are going to be plentiful. The wealthy generally have the sense that life will bring good rather than bad outcomes. That doesn’t mean they believe that good things will be omnipresent, but that they will outnumber the not-so-good. (Jean Chatzky Quotes)