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Jean Rostand Quotes

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Far too often the choices reality proposes are such as to take away one’s taste for choosing  (Jean Rostand Quotes) I still understand a few words in life, but I no longer think they make a sentence  (Jean Rostand Quotes) There are certain moments when we might wish the future were built by men of the past  (Jean Rostand Quotes) There are moments when very little truth would be enough to shape opinion. One might be hated at extremely low cost  (Jean Rostand Quotes) I should have no use for a paradise in which I should be deprived of the right to prefer hell  (Jean Rostand Quotes) In order to remain true to oneself one ought to renounce one’s party three times a day  (Jean Rostand Quotes) I don’t judge a regime by the damning criticism of the opposition, but by the ingenuous praise of the partisan  (Jean Rostand Quotes) To say of men that they are bad is to say they are worse than we think we are, or worse than the ideal man whose image we have built up on the basis of a certain few  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Hatred, for the man who is not engaged in it, is a little like the odor of garlic for one who hasn’t eaten any  (Jean Rostand Quotes) We must watch over our modesty in the presence of those who cannot understand its grounds  (Jean Rostand Quotes) The books one has written in the past have two surprises in store: one couldn’t write them again, and wouldn’t want to  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Science had better not free the minds of men too much, before it has tamed their instincts  (Jean Rostand Quotes) I think I am one of those who can manage not to take on a completely different appearance under their own glance  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Falsity cannot keep an idea from being beautiful; there are certain errors of such ingenuity that one could regret their not ranking among the achievements of the human mind  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Certain brief sentences are peerless in their ability to give one the feeling that nothing remains to be said  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Whether man is disposed to yield to nature or to oppose her, he cannot do without a correct understanding of her language  (Jean Rostand Quotes) On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d’hommes, on est un conquérant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.Kill a man, and you are an assassin. Kill millions of men and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a God  (Jean Rostand Quotes) What scientist would not long to go on living, if only to see how the little truths he has brought to light will grow up?  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Already at the origin of the species man was equal to what he was destined to become  (Jean Rostand Quotes) It may offend us to hear our own thoughts expressed by others: we are not sure enough of their souls  (Jean Rostand Quotes) We give others praise which we ourselves don’t believe, as long as they respond with praise we can believe  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Take heed of critics even when they are not fair; resist them even when they are  (Jean Rostand Quotes) Literature: proclaiming in front of everyone what one is careful to conceal from one’s immediate circle  (Jean Rostand Quotes)
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