Jeaniene Frost Quotes

Text Quotes
Wasn’t it time she risked getting hurt again, instead of just accepting the numbness of never letting anyone in? (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
You either trust me or you don’t. I’ve never let you down, and I won’t walk away unless you make me. Period. Now, unless you have a real emergency, I’d like to get back to my vacation. And my corpse, thanks (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
Any situation was better faced with an empty bladder, a clean body, and a lack of morning breath (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
People can perfect whatever facade they want, but everyone holds their sins close to their skin (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
I didn’t understand, either, but love had no sense sometimes. Pondering the why of it was futile (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
Did you really think I’d ceased to care? Kitten, I care so much it wrecks me (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
He leaned over and kissed me. A long, deep kiss filled with promise and passion. I loved the way he kissed me. Like he was drinking in the taste of me and still coming back thirsty (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
Killing your rival doesn’t guarantee happiness. Sometimes it ruins any chance you have of it instead. Memories of dead men hold far more power than the annoyances of living ones (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
I’m sorry I can’t give you the normal life you wanted, but I promise to adore you every day for the rest of your new one (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
This wasn’t the first time I’d woken up as a captive. It wasn’t even the second. I so needed to reevaluate my life choices (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
When I heard the ghouls coming for you, all I cared about was reaching you in time. How often must I tell you that you mean more to me than vengeance? I can live without defeating my enemies, but I cannot live without you (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
I dare because I want no misunderstanding between us. I am everything you think I am, but I love your daughter, and what I love, I protect with all of the violence in me, which, as you’ve guessed, is considerable (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
You can have all of me, I silently told him, but I’m taking all of you in return (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
The servants must wait like ninjas for me to leave so they could render this place spotless again (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
We had to play the hand we were dealt, all of us. Fighting the battles we could win (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
His embrace was my drug of choice, and as any addict knew, one sampling was way too many and a thousand never enough (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
Love is a terrible weakness. It gives your enemies a perfect target, clouds your judgement, makes you reckless... and that’s on a good day (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
You’re the light I can never have and I’m the darkness you’ll never succumb to (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
All I’m saying is that sooner of later, you’ll have to come to terms with yourself. You can’t wish away the vampire in you, and you shouldn’t keep atoning for it. You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don’t apologize for it. Not to me, to your mum, or to anyone (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
We are not helpless... Many times in our lives we’ve been powerless, but not this night. Right now we have the power to choose the manner in which we die. If you have been a master of nothing else in all your days, you are now a master of this moment. And I for one am going to give such an answer to this insult that others will dearly regret not being by my side to see it! (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
Maybe I was worrying for nothing. Maybe it had just been casual for him, and I wouldn’t even have to tell him it couldn’t happen again. After all, the man was a couple hundred years older than me and a former gigolo. I certainly hadn’t robbed him of his virginity (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)
He had black hair anybody could see was dyed, and even had one long piece wrapped around his head in that way some men did to fool no one into believing they weren’t bald. I resisted a sudden strong urge to tug away that piece and scream peekaboo! at his bare crown underneath (Jeaniene Frost Quotes)