Jeannette Walls Quotes

Text Quotes
You know you’re down and out when Okies laugh at you,’ she said. With our garbage bag taped window, our tied down hood, and art supplies strapped to the roof, we’d out-Okied the Okies. (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
It’s so much of what art and creativity are, being able to confront your own demons. If you can do that, you can get through just about everything. (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
People are like animals. Some are happiest penned in, some need to roam free. You go to recognize what’s in her nature and accept it. (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten, you’ll still have your stars. (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Most important thing in life is learning how to fall (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Interesting people always have a past (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
If you want to be treated like a mother, act like one (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Sometimes you have to get sicker before you can get better (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
If you don’t want to sink, you better figure out how to swim (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Life there was hard and it made people hard (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
She had her addictions and one of them was reading (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
All seasons have something to offer (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
One thing about whoring: It put a chicken on the table (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
A lady’s hair is her crowning glory (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Horses are a mirror of who you are. They’re emotionally dependent on you (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Too much hard luck can create a permanent meanness of spirit in any creature (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
People are like animals. Some are happiest penned in, some need to roam free. You go to recognize what’s in her nature and accept it (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
I wanted to let the world know that no one had a perfect life, that even the people who seemed to have it all had their secrets (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of your dark places.... If you can shine a light on them, you’ll find treasure there (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
When someone’s wounded, the first order of business is to stop the bleeding. You can figure out later how best to help them heal (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
It’s so much of what art and creativity are, being able to confront your own demons. If you can do that, you can get through just about everything (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Anyone who thinks he’s too small to make a difference has never been bit by a mosquito (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
You should never hate anyone, even your worst enemies. Everyone has something good about them. You have to find the redeeming quality and love the person for that (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten, you’ll still have your stars (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Fussing over children who cry only encourages them. That’s positive reinforcement for negative behavior (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Mom always said people worried too much about their children. Suffering when you are young is good for you, she said. It immunized your body and your soul (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
You can’t prepare for everything life’s going to throw at you. And you can’t avoid danger. It’s there. The world is a dangerous place, and if you sit around wringing your hands about it, you’ll out on all the adventure (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Nobody’s perfect. We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
Life is a drama full of tragedy and comedy. You should learn to enjoy the comic episodes a little more (Jeannette Walls Quotes)
No child is born a delinquent. They only became that way if nobody loved them when they were kids. Unloved children grow up to be serial murderers or alcoholics (Jeannette Walls Quotes)