Jeb Dickerson Quotes

Text Quotes
Wish for nothing so much that you forget to make it come true (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
A setting sun still whispers a promise for tomorrow (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Pain is sometimes the cost of a meaningful existence. I can handle that (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Writing is my time machine, takes me to the precise time and place I belong (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
I have a tickle in my brain. And it keeps making the corners of my mouth point toward the heavens (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
My flag is raised high today. For others to see, sure. But more so to find which way my wind is blowing. Almost time to chart a course (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Nature rejuvenates so quickly, so completely. Though we often view ourselves otherwise, we are nature (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
I need neither future nor past, but to learn to take today not too fast (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Art doesn't have to matter to a lot of people to matter a lot (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
A bud can be beautiful, a work of art even. But I’m finding it simply can’t compare to the openness of the blossom. Looking for my sun (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
First time I’ve picked weeds in almost a year. Definitely missed it. I love the smell of dirt and plant revealing their hidden nature (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Upturned toward the sun, eyes closed. That color and warmth I see and feel is the soul on fire. If only it remained when again my eyes opened (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Just because something is unbelievable does not mean you shouldn’t believe it. Put another way, some things are worth believing in whether they’re true or not (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
May sleep envelop you as a bed sheet floating gently down, tickling your skin and removing every worry. Reminding you to consider only this moment (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
The sky, a perfect empty canvas, offers clouds nonetheless. They shift and drift and beg interpretation... Such is the nature of art (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
There are plenty of people holding flashlights casting shadows, offering directions. Perhaps it’s best if you light your own way (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
My feet have several thousand meetings scheduled with the dirt on a trail not far from here. Who am I to keep them waiting? Time to run (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
If the light in your life has changed to yellow, I recommend you floor it. It’s safer than the alternative (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
I believe that social media’s greatest gift is in providing every person the forum to be themselves, speak their heart and soul (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
I’m not a particularly verbose person. I think that’s why I like taking pictures... They speak for themselves (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Only in the early morning light of day, and of life, can we see the world without its shadows. Truth requires new beginnings (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Crossing over the boundaries we’ve been taught to live within is a tough business. But I’m getting the idea they’re not so formidable (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Most people, upon reaching the top, look down and enjoy the view. The smart money is on looking up and finding new mountains to climb (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
I can see the orange haze on the horizon as the morning exhales a yawn, and seems to be ready to rise (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Morning is when the wick is lit. A flame ignited, the day delighted with heat and light, we start the fight for something more than before (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Hmmm, how to can a day? You know, those days that seem just perfect you want access to them whenever the need arises (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)
Our past is like a footprint. It only confirms we were there. No burden on our future does it bear. Bring the rain, clear the pane of clutter (Jeb Dickerson Quotes)