Jeff Tweedy Quotes
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I don’t really feel like you’re making a record unless you pay attention to it (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Anybody who’d expend energy preventing people from hearing music seems not to understand the basic principal of making music in the first place. It’s so antithetical to being a musician. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I still have a lot of faith that there’s very few people who are savvy enough to actually produce a good sounding copy of the record. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
When I did do good stuff in the past, it was because I was able to transcend the parts of my being that weren’t healthy. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I don’t think you can be good in life without acknowledging the part of you that isn’t good. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I don’t know where people get the idea that every Wilco record is supposed to have drama. OK, I guess historically speaking we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Everything alive must die. Every building built to the sky will fall. Don’t try to tell me my everlasting love is a lie. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I’m very, very suspicious of anybody that finds a belief system that they feel can explain it all, for themselves or for anybody else. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
The sublime moment seems to be only a product of allowing yourself to get through, to get to a lot of stuff in your life, write about a lot of stuff and not edit yourself. That is a great lesson to learn for anybody that writes or creates in anyway, to be able to make something without being good or bad. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I guess I don’t think there’s any reason to feel guilty about having joy in your life, regardless of how bad things are in the world. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Avant-garde is the one area of music that has never changed. It doesn’t mean anything. (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Stop trying to treat music like it’s a tennis shoe, something to be branded. If the music industry wants to save money, they should take a look at some of their six-figure executive expense accounts. All those lawsuits can’t be cheap, either (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I’ve been obsessed with seeing life through music. My records, my relationship with records, my relationship with rock stars, everything that surrounds it, has been really one of the only ways that I ever started to understand the world (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Anybody who’d expend energy preventing people from hearing music seems not to understand the basic principal of making music in the first place. It’s so antithetical to being a musician (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Internet is radio for a lot of people. It’s a place to get music and hear music, and no amount of clamping down will change that (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I don’t like being in public with headphones on. I don’t know how people can do it. It seems like you’re so cut off from your environment. I feel like I’d get hit by a car (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I just try to get inside the song and imagine what comes next (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I don’t believe every download is a lost sale (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
What you once were isn’t what you want to be anymore (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
You have to learn how to die if you wanna be alive (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Treating your audience like thieves is absurd. Anyone who chooses to listen to our music becomes a collaborator (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I think somehow you need to get to a certain point in your life where the notion of failure is absurd (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Everything alive must die. Every building built to the sky will fall. Don’t try to tell me my everlasting love is a lie (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I like making songs up. Whether or not they’re great songs or good songs, whatever. It’s something I’ve always done, and I definitely feel like I’ve gotten better at it (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Even when I don’t think I’m writing, I’m writing. There’s some part of my brain geared toward making songs up, and I know it’s collecting things and I know when I get a moment to be by myself, that’s when they come out (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
When I did do good stuff in the past, it was because I was able to transcend the parts of my being that weren’t healthy (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I don’t think there is anything hard at all about having a lot of songs. It makes it easier to be less precious about them, and know that everybody’s going to want to work on some of them (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
Writing songs has always been hard and easy. It’s not always easy when you want it to be, and then sometimes it’s just like turning on the faucet. That’s just the nature of it (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I have always thought it was important to maintain some connection for myself to what it takes to make a song work by myself, to put a song across to an audience by myself (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
I always think I don’t have any songs, I don’t have anything I’m working on, and I get in the studio and realize there are 20 things I’m thinking about. It’s just kind of second nature (Jeff Tweedy Quotes)
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