Jefferson Davis Quotes

Text Quotes
Never be haughty to the humble or humble to the haughty (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
If slavery be a sin, it is not yours. It does not rest on your action for its origin, on your consent for its existence. It is a common law right to property in the service of man; its origin was Divine decree (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Slavery existed before the formation of this Union. It derived from the Constitution that recognition which it would not have enjoyed without the confederation. If the States had not united together, there would have been no obligation on adjoining States to regard any species of property unknown to themselves (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
A question settled by violence, or in disregard of law, must remain unsettled forever (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Our armies were in as much chaos in victory as theirs in defeat (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
The authors of all our misfortune (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Pray excuse me. I cannot take it (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Neither current events nor history show that the majority rule, or ever did rule (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Let men not ask what the law requires, but give whatever freedom demands (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Truth crushed to earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
All we ask is to be let alone (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Without doing injustice to the living, it may safely be asserted that our loss is irreparable; and that among the shining hosts of the great and good who now cluster around the banner of the country, there exists no purer spirit, no more heroic soul, than that of the illustrious man whose death I join you in lamenting (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
How idle is this prating about natural rights as though still containing all that had been forfeited (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Truthfulness is a cornerstone in character, and if it be not firmly laid in youth, there will ever after be a weak spot in the foundation (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Obstacles may retard, but they cannot long prevent the progress of a movement sanctified by its justice, and sustained by a virtuous people (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Tradition usually rests upon something which men did know; history is often the manufacture of the mere liar (Jefferson Davis Quotes)
Every one must understand that, whatever be the evil of slavery, it is not increased by its diffusion. Every one familiar with it knows that it is in proportion to its sparseness that it becomes less objectionable. Wherever there is an immediate connexion between the master and slave, whatever there is of harshness in the system is diminished (Jefferson Davis Quotes)