Jeffrey Kluger Quotes

Text Quotes
My family went through divorces and remarriages and the later, blended home - and then watched that home explode, too (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
More and more NFL players have been willing their bodies to science so that their brains can be studied even if they die of other causes (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
A fishnet is made up of a lot more holes than strings, but you can't therefore argue that the net doesn't exist. Just ask the fish (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
A cockroach likely has no less brainpower than a butterfly, but we're quicker to deny it consciousness because it's a species we dislike (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Some of the most rewarding times my brothers and I have are when all of us get together, and we can see what we've been building genetically and culturally (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
If you're an older sibling and you have a younger sibling who needs mentoring or is afraid of the dark, you develop nurturing and empathic skills that you wouldn't otherwise have (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
All behavioral or mood disorders - including depression, OCD, ADHD and addiction - have some neurochemical components, but sufferers can still work to overcome them (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
It's not mere extremism that makes folks at the fringes so troubling; it's extremism wedded to false beliefs. Humans have long been dupes, easily gulled by rumors and flat-out lies (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
In both children and adults, there can be a hard-to-deny link between a robust sense of hope and either work productivity or academic achievement (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
A mere ape in our world may be a scholar in it's own, and the low life of any beast may be a source of deep satisfaction for the beast itself (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Humans have a fraught relationship with beasts. They are our companions and our chattel, our family members and our laborers, our household pets and our household pests. We love them and cage them, admire them and abuse them. And, of course, we cook and eat them (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Even the best computer in the world has no idea that it exists. You do. No one knows what creates that ineffable awareness that we’re here (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Ambition is an expensive impulse, one that requires an enormous investment of emotional capital. Like any investment, it can pay off in countless different kinds of coin (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Jellyfish serve as a model for bioengineers for the same reason yeast were once so valuable to geneticists: they're simple to deconstruct (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Toxins love to get you while you’re young. Lead, mercury, secondhand smoke and sundry other environmental nasties do a lot more damage when tissue is immature, vulnerable and growing than when it’s mature and comparatively fixed (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
There’s a sort of sibling moratorium when you’re establishing yourself as an adult. So much of your energy has to be focused on other things like work and kids. But when people become more settled, siblings tend to regroup because now you’re building a new extended family (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
The mind of the polyglot is a very particular thing, and scientists are only beginning to look closely at how acquiring a second language influences learning, behavior and the very structure of the brain itself (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
The best you can sometimes do is learn to take a breath, count to ten and simply accept that try as you might, no, your husband will never, ever learn not to drop a wet towel on the bed. That acceptance too counts as resolving a fight (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Spending $1 for a brand new house would feel very, very good. Spending $1,000 for a ham sandwich would feel very, very bad. Spending $19,000 for a small family car would feel, well, more or less right. But as with physical pain, fiscal pain can depend on the individual, and everyone has a different threshold (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Scarily, football helmets, which do a fine job of protecting against scalp laceration and skull fracture, do little to prevent concussions and may even exacerbate them, since even as the brain is rattling around inside the skull, the head is rattling around inside the helmet (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Identical twins are ideal lab specimens for studying the difference between learned and inherited traits since they come from the womb preloaded with matching genetic operating systems. Any meaningful differences in their behaviors or personalities are thus likely to have been acquired, not innate (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Why are some people born with a fire in the belly, while others need something to get their pilot light lit? (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
At the root of the shy temperament is a deep fear of social judgment, one so severe it can sometimes be crippling. Introverted people don’t worry unduly about whether they’ll be found wanting, they just find too much socializing exhausting and would prefer either to be alone or in the company of a select few people (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Kids whose puberty begins too soon face not just psychological risks, but physical ones too, with an increased likelihood of cancer, as well as skeletal changes that could prevent them from attaining their full adult height (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
As with real reading, the ability to comprehend subtlety and complexity comes only with time and a lot of experience. If you don’t adequately acquire those skills, moving out into the real world of real people can actually become quite scary (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Habitual texters may not only cheat their existing relationships, they can also limit their ability to form future ones since they don’t get to practice the art of interpreting nonverbal visual cues (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Certainly, people can get along without siblings. Single children do, and there are people who have irreparably estranged relationships with their siblings who live full and satisfying lives, but to have siblings and not make the most of that resource is squandering one of the greatest interpersonal resources you’ll ever have (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
It’s a deep and all but certain truth about narcissistic personalities that to meet them is to love them, but to know them well is to find them unbearable. Confidence quickly curdles into arrogance; smarts turn to smugness, charm turns to smarm (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most measures, narcissism is one of the worst, if only because the narcissists themselves are so clueless (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)
The truth, of course, is that the only necessary and sufficient condition for human beings to murder one another is the simple fact of being human (Jeffrey Kluger Quotes)