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Jekyll Quotes

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A year jammed full of adventure and misadventure, strides forward and many steps backward, another year in my topsy turvy, Jekyll and Hyde existence  (Jekyll Quotes) I think it was Jekyll who used to say that the further he went west, the more convinced he felt that the wise men came from the east  (Jekyll Quotes) Jekyll had more than a father’s interest; Hyde had more than a son’s indifference  (Jekyll Quotes) Jekyll and Hyde, in particular, is such an important novel in terms of suspense and setting a perfect scene for crime  (Jekyll Quotes) Ian Rankin’s Rebus is the king of modern British crime fiction. He is dour, determined, and constantly falls foul of his seniors. For all this, we root for him. He is eminently loveable, a quixotic hero moving through the darker half of a Jekyll and Hyde Edinburgh.  (Jekyll Quotes)