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Jenna Quotes

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I think most people realize that Barbara and Jenna are college kids, and to make such a big deal out of it is a bit ridiculous. At least now, the press has stopped  (Jenna Quotes) Everyone makes mistakes, Jenna. Everyone has regrets and guilt for things they should have done differently in their lives. Shit happens, and we do the best we can at the time. You can’t blame yourself forever.  (Jenna Quotes) The three main leads [in Townies] were Lauren [ Graham] and Jenna [Elfman] and Molly [Ringwald], and then Ron Livingston was on it as well. There was a lot of people to write funny stuff for.  (Jenna Quotes) [Townies] was a great springboard, obviously, because Jenna [Elfman] went from that to Dharma and Greg, and a few years later, Lauren [Graham] went to Gilmore Girls.  (Jenna Quotes) Jenna Bush was cited for underage drinking in Austin Friday. Her dad warned her that too much partying at school could cost her a good career. At $400,000, he’s making the lowest salary of any of his Yale classmates.  (Jenna Quotes) I did five episodes of Townies as Jenna Elfman’s boyfriend. I was a guest star, but it was the first time I really got to play laughs in front of a sitcom audience.  (Jenna Quotes)