Jennifer Crusie Quotes
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Text Quotes
As far as I’m concerned the last good man went when Elvis died (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Christ, I’m in a Doris Day movie (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Really, The smart thing to do was to stop dating and get a cat (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Nothing but good times ahead (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
What happened to the good old days when rich white men just bought their way into office? (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
I could shove this swizzle stick through his heart, Min thought. She would’nt do it, of course. The stick was plastic and not nearly pointed enough on the end (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
When Eve ate the apple her knowledge increased. But God liked dumb women so Paradise ceased. Gwen Goodnight. Her Work (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Trying to seduce Alec at all was a waste of time; he came preseduced anyway. Like a microwave entrée. You pressed his buttons, and he got hot (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Look, Mother, I am never going to be thin. I’m Norwegian. If you wanted a thin daughter, you should not have married a man whose female ancestors carried cows home from the pasture (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
The last time I saw a brow that low I was watching slides in anthropology class (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
He was not looking forward to breaking the law. He was straight now. He’d matured. Crime no longer excited him. What?’ Ronald said. I didn’t say anything.’ You’re breathing heavy (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Have you ever met a woman you wanted to give everything to? just turn over everything you had? -Davy Dempsey- (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Dead woman are not romantic,’ Sophie said flatly. ‘Okay, she’s not dead,’ Phin said. ‘The bear ate her, and she came her brains out (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
You know who you remind me of? The kid cop in Lethal Weapon 3. You know, the one who says, ‘it’s my twenty-first birthday today’, and right away you know he’s dead meat? (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Can we go to work now? Because we’re about a minute away from breaking out the ice cream and talking about our feelings, and I don’t think we can come back from that. (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
That furniture cost me a fortune! It’s designer furniture. Designed by whom ? Darth Vader ? The Hitler Youth ? (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Every species has a dinner date as part of courting ritual. A woman who won’t let you pay for dinner is rejecting your courtship. She may think she’s playing fair, or that she’s being a feminist, but a very deep level, she knows that she’s crossing you off her list of possibilities. (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Don’t even think about it.Well, when can I walk by myself?When you get your driver’s license.You always, always say that. Dillie scowled at him. That’s when everything happens.It’s going to be a busy day, Phin agreed. (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
The first rule in life is ‘everybody lies.’ Remember that and you’ll get a lot further. (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
If you haven’t failed, you’re not trying hard enough (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
A bar would not be a good career move for you (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
You got shot at and you still got me an air conditioner (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Once you know the truth, it’s always obvious (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Real life doesn’t have to suck (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
I believe things will work out for us if we just believe in ourselves (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
We’re going to need a bigger dock (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Zach had brought her a dog (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
He loved her all he could; but he couldn’t love her very much (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
If you can’t be a good example, then be a terrible warning (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
Everybody’s crooked. The trick is to find out how they’re bent (Jennifer Crusie Quotes)
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