Jennifer Egan Quotes

Text Quotes
...water laughing softly down a black stone wall. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
One area I have a huge amount of trouble in is writing about myself. I get a heavy, almost depressed feeling (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
Goon Squad’ took about three years to write and that’s the short end. My second novel, ‘Look at Me,’ took six years (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
So I feel that lack of qualification. And I’m scared. And I have a tendency to think things may not/probably won’t work out. That’s my basic mindset (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
Nineteen eighty is almost here, thank God. the hippies are getting old, they blew their brains on acid and now they’re begging on street corners all over San Francisco. Their hair is tangled and their bare feet are thick and gray as shoes. We’re sick of them (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I picture it like Judgement Day,’ he says finally, his eyes on the water. ‘We’ll rise up out of our bodies and find each other again in spirit form. We’ll meet in that new place, all of us together, and first it’ll seem strange, and pretty soon it’ll seem strange that you could ever lose someone, or get lost (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I felt no shame in these activities, because I understood what almost no one else seemed to grasp: that there was only an infinitesimal difference, a difference so small that it barely existed except as a figment of the human imagination, between working in a tall green glass building on Park Avenue and collecting litter in a park. In fact, there may have been no difference at all (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
The pause makes you think the song will end. And then the song isn’t really over, so you’re relieved. But then the song does actually end, because every song ends, obviously, and THAT. TIME. THE. END. IS. FOR. REAL (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
There are so many ways to go wrong. All we’ve got are metaphors, and they’re never exactly right. You can never just Say. The. Thing (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
This is the music business. ‘Five years is five hundred years’ - your words (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
No one is waiting for me. In this story, I’m the girl no one is waiting for. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
Too clear, too clean. The problem was precision, perfection; (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
That we have some history together that hasn’t happened yet (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
He looks tired, like someone walked on his skin and left footprints (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
... water laughing softly down a black stone wall (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
Everyone we’ve lost, we’ll find. Or they’ll find us (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
She looks like someone I want to know, or maybe even be (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
Reading is the nourishment that lets you do interesting work (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
Vinegar: that’s what fear smells like (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
It’s finished. Everything went past, without me (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I find myself thinking more about the past as I get older... maybe because there’s just more of it to think about. At the same time, I’m less haunted by it than I was as a younger person. I guess that’s probably the ideal: to reach a point where you have access to all of your memories, but you don’t feel victimized by them (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I did go on safari in Kenya when I was 17, with my mother, stepfather and little brother, and I kept a careful journal of the experience that was very helpful in terms of my sensory impressions of Africa. I have traveled quite a bit at distinct times in my life, though now that I have kids I’ve settled down (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
If you read novels of the 19th century, they’re pretty experimental. They take lots of chances; they seem to break a lot of rules. You’ve got omniscient narrators lecturing at times to the reader in first person. If you go back to the earliest novels, this is happening to a wild extent, like ‘Tristram Shandy’ or ‘Don Quixote’. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I’m not a wildly gifted person; I don’t play an instrument or speak another language or have great accomplishments in another field, as many writers do. But writing feels natural to me; the act of it seems to free up my unconscious, so that sometimes I feel that I have access to more ideas and information than my conscious mind could think up. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
What lists and awards don’t measure - and I feel this strongly - is the lasting value of any work of art. They’re a snapshot of a moment, and one should always consider their judgments in that context. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I was on a very bumpy plane ride, an overnight flight. I was so miserable, and I pulled out ‘David Copperfield,’ and I forgot how scared and tired I was, and I thought, ‘This is what reading should be.’ I’m utterly transported out of my current situation. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I was a stepchild in two different families. The hardest thing about being a stepchild is you know that in some way everything would be easier if you didn’t exist. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I haven’t had trouble with writer’s block. I think it’s because my process involves writing very badly. My first drafts are filled with lurching, cliched writing, outright flailing around. Writing that doesn’t have a good voice or any voice. But then there will be good moments. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
I don’t really know where my ideas come from. I start with a time and a place. That’s what I need to get started, and an intellectual question. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)
The bottom line is that I like my first drafts to be blind, unconscious, messy efforts; that’s what gets me the best material. (Jennifer Egan Quotes)