Jennifer Lopez Quotes

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I swear to God, I don’t remember anything Gwyneth Paltrow was in. Some people get hot by association. I heard more about her and Brad Pitt and I ever heard about her work (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I’d be stupid not to take into consideration that there are certain things people will not consider me for because my name is Lopez. And I know I can do any kind of role. I don’t want anybody to say, Oh, she can’t pull this off. So those are barriers that you have to overcome (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
People equate sexy with promiscuous. They think that because I’m shaped this way, I must be scandalous - like running around and bringing men into my hotel room. But it’s just the opposite (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
Puffy produced four of the tracks on the album. Those are the four songs that are collaborations between Puffy and me. And he gives me my space to work even when we work together, like with my producer and my vocal coach (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
This is the man my mother lived for. My career means something now because I’ve worked with Robert Redford (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I don’t believe in the so-called Latino explosion when it comes to movies. Jennifer Lopez doesn’t have an accent. She grew up in New York speaking English, not Spanish. Her success is very important because she represents a different culture, but it doesn’t help me (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I’ve always had a huge fear of dying or becoming ill. The thing I’m most afraid of, though, is being alone, which I think a lot of performers fear. It’s why we seek the limelight - so we’re not alone, were adored. We’re loved, so people want to be around us. The fear of being alone drives my life (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
When you have children, you realise you can’t plan anything. There’s no Plan A, no Plan B. Life will happen and you will go with it (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I came from the Bronx and a certain background. I worked really hard. I kept my focus on the right things (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I always joke about letting the haters motivate you. Everybody has that in their life, people who doubt them or make them feel less than they are. It just takes faith and belief in yourself, and you’ve got to dig deep into that. That has to come from you - nobody’s going to give you that (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I don’t regret what I’ve been through. I’ve had ups and downs, super highs and some really low lows. I’ve been so blessed that I could never say, ‘I wish this didn’t happen.’ It’s part of who I am. There’s nothing in my life that’s so ugh (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I have my own high standards for what I want in a partner and how I want to be treated. I bring a lot to the table. I’m not talking about material things but what I have to offer as a person - love and loyalty and all the things that make a good relationship (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I love a good lyricist - always have. The thing that inspired me most was the different performers, like Tina Turner, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Madonna, even Janet Jackson (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I love a long bath. I love anything creative. I love decorating. I even love just flipping through magazines and vegging out for a while. But I’m also one of those people who loves to work, so I’ll sing, dance, work on my next performance, or write whomever it may be about a new idea (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I’m excited about the new judges on ‘American Idol.’ Jennifer Lopez was a real mentor to me my season and I admire her so much. And I kind of have a crush on Steven Tyler. It’s going to be interesting to see is one person going to stand out among the judges or if everyone will sort of be equal (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
It’s always a struggle. It’s an uphill battle the whole time. But you know what? The rewards are so graet, I wouldn’t trade it for the world (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I thought she’d [her mother] offer me some sympathy. Instead, she said, ‘Don’t you ever call me crying again! You wanted to be in this business, so you better toughen up!’ And I did (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
It makes me laugh when she says she [Salma Hayek] got offered Selena, which was an outright lie. If that’s what she does to get herself publicity than that’s her thing (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
Beyonce is good-looking. Jennifer Lopez is good-looking. Madonna used to be good-looking (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
Growing up with Jennifer Lopez and Salma Hayek - people who were always trying to do something else - I wanted to follow in their footsteps. They gave people a different perspective of how women were supposed to look like and be (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
People say we’re all identical, but Jennifer Lopez is an American. She’s from New York. She doesn’t have an accent. Some of these Latin people - their Spanish is pathetic. They learned it when they became famous as Latinos (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I tell him [husband Emilio] you are lucky I am not a jealous woman, because look at the women he’s worked with: Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Thalia, Madonna. These very sexy women. I trust him (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
You get to a point in life where it suddenly occurs to you that you don’t need all the things you once thought you did--that it’s really, well, convoluted. My life feels overblown sometimes, and I don’t want it to be. I want it to be streamlined. So I’m living a much more unscripted life now than I have in a long time (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
In my mind I first felt like, Oh, I’ll be back to work right after the babies are born. But then you don’t want to. Even now, it’s very difficult for me to leave them in the morning. It just tortures me. I’m like, It’s been hours; are they wondering where I am? Do they know that I love them so much and I’m thinking only about them? (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
It’s like every day is the worst day of your life. And you’re trapped and you’re scared and you have to portray those emotions in every take and really take yourself to those places. (about her role as an abused wife in ENOUGH (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
Maybe I’ll have something out by Christmas, maybe not. I don’t know, I’m really trying to take my time and do what feels right. (about the next step in her music career) (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I’m also influenced by all the places I’ve traveled since then: I’ve been to Hollywood and great fashion shows and seen the world. I have a different perspective, and I mix that up (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I look to the women who epitomize old Hollywood glamour, like Rita Hayworth. She had a way of making sophisticated clothes look sexy without ever seeming sleazy or cheap (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
Always follow your heart. Sometimes it’s gonna hurt - but you’re going to be fine (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)
I have no ego. There is no way you can have a big ego and survive in this [show]business. You can’t learn if you think no one else has anything to say that’s of value (Jennifer Lopez Quotes)