Jenny Lawson Quotes
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Text Quotes
Like books, the Internet has saved my life. It helped me recognize that so many people I adore suffer from the same things I do (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
A hug is like a strangle you haven’t finished yet (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
So many of us feel like we’re misfits until we finally find our tribe - the other people who are are strange in the same way - and suddenly everything clicks (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
When I was young, my family didn’t go on outings to the circus or trips to Disneyland. We couldn’t afford them. Instead, we stayed in our small rural West Texas town, and my parents took us to cemeteries (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
Because you are defined not by life’s imperfect moments, but by your reaction to them. And because there is joy in embracing - rather than running from - the utter absurdity of life (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
When I was in junior high I read a lot of Danielle Steele. So I always assumed that the day I got engaged I’d be naked, covered in rose petals, and sleeping with the brother of the man who’d kidnapped me (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
In short? It is exhausting being me. Pretending to be normal is draining and requires amazing amounts of energy and Xanax (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
I was having problems with depression and anxiety disorder, and it felt like not blogging about it was creating a false history. When I did finally share the problems I was having, I was shocked - not only by the support that was given to me, but also by the incredible amount of people who admitted they struggled with the same thing (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
I very much own the fact that I’m a misfit. The Internet makes everyone realize they’re screwed up (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
I once threw myself a surprise party on Twitter because I was lonely. It was awesome. Thousands of people showed up and then Wil Wheaton and I made a bunch of monkey-ponies. It was the most successful surprise party I’ve ever thrown in my life. It was also the only surprise party I’ve ever thrown in my whole life (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
A house should look lived in, and I consider it clean as long as I don’t stick to it and it doesn’t give me cholera. (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
Writing is my therapy. In addition to my real therapy. God knows where I’d be without it. I’d probably still be at my last job, working in HR at a religious organization. I was horribly miscast (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
[On acupuncture:] The needles are small and won’t hurt at all. In fact, they’ll feel good. Ha, ha! Just kidding. They feel like needles. Because they are (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
There’s so much shame involved in not being like everyone else. But I learned that the things that made me unique were good. Dealing with problems can be awful. But in the end I got positive results. I don’t think I would have been a writer if I didn’t have anxiety (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
I wanted to write about my disorders for people like my husband or mother who don’t suffer but have saved people. Mentally ill people don’t have a choice in who they are. But those that stand by the mentally ill make an enormous difference. Even when I’m healthy enough to take care of myself I face constant battles, especially with insurance companies (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
The hardest thing to write was explaining what anxiety feels like. Every time I’d try to really write about what it feels like to have an anxiety attack, I would actually have an anxiety attack. It was good material but so incredibly uncomfortable. (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
It was nice to call my parents and proudly tell them, My lady garden is going viral. In hindsight, that may have been a poor choice of phrasing. (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
In fact almost everyone in my yearbook wrote the same thing to me: To weird girl, you’re nice. I didn’t think it was bad. When I showed my mother she said, Everyone is different. Being weird became my tool. I’m weird; that’s who I am. It was my coping badge. (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
Oh my God, calm down, Darwin. Don’t get all crazy just ‘cause I threw a vampire monkey wrench in your faulty Jesus-zombie logic. (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
Writing about my illness put me into places. It was very triggering. I had to completely remove myself and practice self-care. I learned to be patient (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
It’s funny because the most sane women I’ve ever met are my mom and my grandmothers. I think you have to be incredibly sane and self-aware to function in relatively insane environments (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
But really, what else are you going to talk about in line at the liquor store? Childhood trauma seems like the natural choice, since it’s the reason why most of us are in line there to begin with (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
When I’m blogging, I think book writing is easier and vice versa. Writing is lonely work, and the good thing about blogging is that you have immediate feedback from commenters (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
Meanwhile, I was doodling pictures of vampiric cougars (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
If you could hear the insane stuff going on in my head, it would scare the hell out of you. Probably. Or fascinate you. Depends on how easily you’re startled, I guess (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
... pretty much everyone hates high school. It’s a measure of your humanity, I suspect. If you enjoyed high school, you were probably a psychopath or a cheerleader. Or possibly both. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive, you know. I’ve tried to block out the memory of my high school years, but no matter how hard you try, it’s always with you, like an unwanted hitchhiker. Or herpes. I assume (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
One ox, two oxen. One fox, two foxen (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
Even at age 10, I already knew that I was different from most people. My anxiety disorder was still years from being diagnosed, but it affected me quite deeply. I was too afraid to speak out in class, too nervous to make real friends (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
... you are defined not by life’s imperfect moments, but by your reaction to them (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
A house should look lived in, and I consider it clean as long as I don’t stick to it and it doesn’t give me cholera (Jenny Lawson Quotes)
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