Jeremy Lin Quotes
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Text Quotes
I love eating junk food. I’m a huge snacker, chips and candy. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
When you think about your relationship with Christ, it really just affects every aspect of your life. I think a lot of people try to segment off, like, ‘This is church, so this is God, this is my daily life, this is my job,’ but I think true faith is when it manifests itself in every single aspect of your life. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I’m very humbled and honored. I’m very thankful to the Asian-American Community for all their support! (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
There is so much temptation to hold on to my career even more now. To try to micromanage and dictate every little aspect. But that’s not how I want to do things anymore. I’m thinking about how can I trust God more. How can I surrender more? How can I bring him more glory? It’s a fight. But it’s one I’m going to keep fighting (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
Tim Tebow is one of my biggest inspirations. I actually want to be able to do some of the things that he does in terms of the amount of charity work and the non-profit work, and the way he impacts people off the field. I think that is what is most inspiring to me about him (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
With all the media attention, all the love from the fans, I felt I needed to prove myself. Prove that I’m not a marketing tool, I’m not a ploy to improve attendance. Prove I can play in this league. But I’ve surrendered that to God. I’m not in a battle with what everybody else thinks anymore (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I just try to play as hard as I can every possession. If you’re aware and you’re high-energy, the ball will eventually bounce your way and you’ll be able to make plays (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I love my family, I love my relatives. One special request I have is for the media back in Taiwan to kind of give them their space because they can’t even go to work without being bombarded and people following them (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
New York is fast paced, with enthusiastic fans and lots of media attention. Houston’s slower paced, and there’s more of a southern culture to the city. But both cities have unbelievable food (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I think one of the most rewarding experiences in life is to see people come to Christ and make lifestyle changes. When that happens, you definitely see God behind it. This year we’ve seen eight students make first-time decisions for Christ and when I see that, it’s a great feeling. I’m really thankful that God is changing somebody, or sometimes he’s changing me (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
All these people, all these things came into my life, and they’re all blessings from God. And now that I look back, I realize that these are His fingerprints all over my story (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
In many ways, the longer I live, I understand that there are so many things outside my control. That’s why I believe faith is such a big part of the story. There are so many things that were orchestrated by God, that were put into place to make this perfect storm, that created Linsanity (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
My dad was the one who really loved basketball, and he was the one that put the basketball in my hands, and my mom was ‘Team Mom’ of all my teams. I used to play for three or four teams at once and she would just spend her entire afternoon driving me from practice to practice to practice. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I get scared of a lot of attention. I get scared of the spotlight. And I’m not talking about on the basketball court. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I realize I had to learn ... to stop chasing the perishable prizes of this earth ... and give my best effort unto God and trust Him with the results. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I was shocked cause I didn’t even know that they made my jersey. I didn’t know that they made it so fast, so when I saw it I was like, I had to look three times and I was like, ‘Did they customize that?’ And then I saw a couple of other ones and I was like, ok, they must’ve made them overnight or something (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I’ve learned how to be open and bold about my faith, but in terms of my influence, I just try to lead in a godly way. What that means for me is to serve them, whether it’s just doing the dirty work, like cleaning up sweat on the floor, or deferring to other people, or carrying equipment bags. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
Stuff about me dating Kim Kardashian - I have no idea where that came from and all these other rumors. I don’t think I’m that type. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I just think in order for someone to understand my game, they have to watch me more than once, because I’m not going to do anything that’s extra flashy or freakishly athletic. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I think right now the way society’s going, I think role models are important, and kids need direction. If I didn’t have that direction growing up, who knows what I could be doing, because I’ve been lost many times in my life, and I’ve had to have someone guide me back on the right path. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I struggle with pride every day, but the one thing that I try to remind myself everyday is that I’m still a sinner no matter how many points/assists/win I get on the court. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I try to focus on what I’m supposed to do, and to do my job the best I can. I kind of let everything happen the way it’s supposed to happen, let everything fall into place the way it should. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I’m going to make mistakes, I just have to be able to learn from them as quickly as possible. To learn faster, I watch film of myself and other good point guards, and then breaking down my mistakes and really analyzing them and seeing where I could have made better decisions. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I think I’ve always been a player who’s done better in the second half, who’s done better in the fourth quarter. That’s the fun time to play, when everything you’ve worked for the whole game boils down to those last few possessions. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I’ve learned that social media and our private lives, you know, our private lives are not so private anymore, so it takes a little bit of getting used to. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
Having small group once a week gives me a lot of encouragement and accountability. Even though I go to church, I don’t really know many people there, but my real community is my small group. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
Just this whole journey [of life] has been a blessing from God, so for me to be here [on Earth] I’m just taking it one day at a time and really enjoying it. (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I was a big Michael Jordan fan growing up. I don’t feel my game resembles his though (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
I speak Mandarin and can read and write a little. I took a few classes at Harvard to get better in my reading and writing skills (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
Stuff about me dating Kim Kardashian - I have no idea where that came from and all these other rumors. I don’t think I’m that type (Jeremy Lin Quotes)
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