Jerome Quotes

Text Quotes
A fat paunch never breeds fine thoughts (Jerome Quotes)
I have always revered not crude verbosity but holy simplicity (Jerome Quotes)
The privileges of a few do not make common law (Jerome Quotes)
When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting (Jerome Quotes)
Keep doing some kind of work, that the devil may always find you employed (Jerome Quotes)
Be always employed about some rational thing, that the devil find thee not idle (Jerome Quotes)
That clergyman soon becomes an object of contempt who being often asked out to dinner never refuses to go (Jerome Quotes)
If an offence come out of the truth better is it that the offence come, than the truth be concealed (Jerome Quotes)
No one loves to tell of scandal except to him who loves to hear it. Learn, then, to rebuke and check the detracting tongue by showing that you do not listen to it with pleasure (Jerome Quotes)
The charges we bring against others often come home to ourselves; we inveigh against faults which are as much ours as theirs; and so our eloquence ends by telling against ourselves (Jerome Quotes)
Athletes as a rule are stronger than their backers; yet the weaker presses the stronger to put forth all his efforts (Jerome Quotes)
Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind. When once wool has been dyed purple, who can restore it to its previous whiteness? (Jerome Quotes)
No one cares to speak to an unwilling listener. An arrow never lodges in a stone: often it recoils upon the sender of it (Jerome Quotes)
Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, why do you not practice what you preach? (Jerome Quotes)
The fact is that my native land is a prey to barbarism, that in it men’s only God is their belly, that they live only for the present, and that the richer a man is the holier he is held to be (Jerome Quotes)
An unstable pilot steers a leaking ship, and the blind is leading the blind straight to the pit. The ruler is like the ruled (Jerome Quotes)
Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a be general natural law (Jerome Quotes)
Jerome said, It's like, a family doesn't work anymore when everyone in it is more miserable than they would be if they were alone, You know? (Jerome Quotes)
Jerome was sliding and climbing on top of me and it felt like it had the night before, like a crushing weight. So do boys and men announce their intentions. They cover you like a sarcophagus lid. And call it love (Jerome Quotes)
Prayer, says St. Jerome, is a groan. Ah! Our groans are prayers as well. The very cry of distress is an involuntary appeal to that invisible Power whose aid the soul invokes (Jerome Quotes)
St. Jerome declares that he holds for certain, and has learned from experience, that he will never make a good end who has led a bad life to the very last: ‘This I hold, this I have learned by much experience, that his will be an evil end who has always led an evil life.’ (Jerome Quotes)
As a dancer I had worked with really hard choreographers, Jerome Robbins being the toughest. And you learned what it is to hit against a brick wall. And you learned pretty quickly to go around the wall or say, I can’t take this job. (Jerome Quotes)
Hines Ward, Plaxico Burress, Jerome Bettis-they are great leaders. I listen to everything they say. (Jerome Quotes)