Jerry Coleman Quotes

Text Quotes
Houston has its largest crowd of the night here this evening (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
And it’s a long drive down the line to centerfield (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
The big ballpark can do it all! (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Montefusco bare-hands it and throws him out. That grounder will make you a traveling salesman in a hurry! (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Bob Davis has his hair differently this year, short with curls like Randy Jones wears. I think you call it a Frisbee. (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
The Padres, after winning the first game of the doubleheader, are ahead here in the top of the fifth and hoping for a split. (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Parker’s grand slam is the same as going 4 for 4, even though he went 1 for 4 (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Many people think the Cards at the end of the wire will cross the finish line first (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
It’s a cold night out tonight. The Padres better warm up real good because it’s stiff out there. (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
And Kansas City is at Chicago tonight, or is it Chicago at Kansas City? Well, no matter as Kansas City leads in the eighth 4 to 4. (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
I like to use big words so people will think I know what I’m talking about (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Boros is not with the team today because he’s attending his daughter’s funeral. Oh, wait, it’s her wedding. (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Winfield goes back to the wall. He hits his head on the wall and it rolls off! It’s rolling all the way back to second base! This is a terrible thing for the Padres! (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
It was a death struggle every day being a Yankee you either won or you lost. There was no second place. Half of us were nuts by the end of a season (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Gaylord Perry and Willie McCovey should know each other like a book. They’ve been ex-teammates for years now (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
He slides into second with a stand up double (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
There’s two heads to every coin (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
When you lose your hands, you can’t play baseball (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
Hats off to drug abusers everywhere (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
I’ve made a couple of mistakes I’d like to do over (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
A day without newspapers is like walking around without your pants on (Jerry Coleman Quotes)
You never ask why you’ve been fired because if you do, they’re liable to tell you (Jerry Coleman Quotes)