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Jessica Stern Quotes

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Never give up hope, spring will come  (Jessica Stern Quotes) This book is a memoir - not of specific life events, but of the processes of dissociation, and of re-enlivening emotions that are shameful to admit or even to feel. It is an account of the altered states that trauma induces, which make it possible to survive a life-threatening event but impair the capacity to feel fear, and worse still, impair the ability to love. (292)  (Jessica Stern Quotes) Some people’s lives seem to flow in a narrative; mine had many stops and starts. That’s what trauma does. It interrupts the plot. You can’t process it because it doesn’t fit with what came before or what comes afterwards  (Jessica Stern Quotes) Keep up your courage, stay true to what you believe in  (Jessica Stern Quotes) I have listened and I have been quiet all my life. But now I will speak  (Jessica Stern Quotes)