Jessica Valenti Quotes

Text Quotes
I do think that more people are feminists than they realize (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Small blogs are starting up big campaigns (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Stress from blogging keeps me up at night (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I don’t get much career advice at all, and I would like some (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
There have been women who stumbled across Feministing randomly, through a bizarre Google search or something, and had no idea what feminism was. They thought it was something older women do, or bought into the hairy bra-burning man-hating stereotype 100 percent. Anything that deviates from that is very exciting for them (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I certainly wouldn’t be writing books if it hadn’t been for the feminist blogosphere, and I think that’s a really amazing thing. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I do think that there is a real crisis of masculinity that’s happening in America. I think the problem is - the way it’s being framed is that there’s a problem with masculinity because women are too powerful, or women are taking up too much space (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Bra-burning never happened. It was completely made up by the media. A couple of women protesting a Miss America pageant threw some bras into a garbage can, and somehow that became this longstanding idea of feminists as bra-burners (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
The stereotypes of feminists as ugly, or man-haters, or hairy, or whatever it is - that’s really strategic. That’s a really smart way to keep young women away from feminism, is to kind of put out this idea that all feminists hate men, or all feminists are ugly; and that they really come from a place of fear (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
As I grew up and began identifying myself as a feminist, there were plenty of issues that continued to make me question marriage: the father ‘giving’ the bride away, women taking their husband’s last name, the white dress, the vows promising to ‘obey’ the groom. And that only covers the wedding (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Wanting to be liked means being a supporting character in your own life, using the cues of the actors around you to determine your next line rather than your own script. It means that your self-worth will always be tied to what someone else thinks about you, forever out of your control (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I hope that by modeling feminism in my own life, work and relationships that it will haut become an organic part of my daughter’s life. But I’m also fully prepared for her to become a Republican as a way to rebel as a teenager - that would be just my luck! (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Hearing the Beastie Boys speak out against sexism made me feel like if these men who had once sung about getting girls to ‘do the laundry’ and ‘clean up my room’ could understand, maybe the rest of the world would follow suit. It made me hopeful in the best way (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I’ve been thinking a lot about Lady Gaga and what she means for feminism. I think - I find her completely fascinating, and I really like what she has to say (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Value yourself for what the media doesn’t - your intelligence, your street smarts, your ability to play a kick-ass game of pool, whatever. So long as it’s not just valuing yourself for your ability to look hot in a bikini and be available to men, it’s an improvement (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Whether it’s repro rights, violence against women, or just plain old vanilla sexism, most issues affecting women have one thing in common - they exist to keep women ‘in their place.’ To make sure that we’re acting ‘appropriately,’ whatever that means (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Women do not get raped because they weren’t careful enough. Women get raped because someone raped them (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I think the biggest obstacle I still have to overcome is myself, and just kind of struggling every day with what to do with the work and where to go next (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
People are not going to give up marriage. But we can try to make it more fair. We can try to change that institution and make it more equal (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
As much as I disagree with Sarah Palin, there’s no denying that she was the victim of sexism (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I think day care is terrific. Kids get to be around other kids, and they’re playing, and they’re teaching each other. When I was in college, my summer job was being a preschool teacher. I loved it, and after that experience, I said I can’t wait to put my kid in day care because I could see how much they loved it. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I think feminism has always been global. I think there’s feminism everywhere throughout the world. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
If you’re fighting to limit other women’s rights, then you can’t really call yourself a feminist. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
Dismissing socialization and gender roles as piddling compared to this amorphous idea of ‘maternal imperative’ is part of the reason progress is stalled for family-friendly policies. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
The widely held belief that the heterosexual nuclear family is best for children has long been used as a smoke screen for homophobia and as a talking point to quash marriage-equality efforts. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I always go with the dictionary definition of feminism, which is just social, political and economic equality for women. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
People aren’t comfortable thinking of women as people. Like we’re not people, we’re women, and that means something completely different, especially when you have power. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
A huge part of keeping women in their place has to do with creating a really limited definition of what a ‘real’ woman is like. And a ton of that what-makes-a-woman nonsense is attached to motherhood. Apparently, by virtue of having ovaries and a uterus, women are automatic mommies or mommies-to-be. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I grew up definitely a feminist, but I didn’t call myself a feminist until I took my first women’s studies class in college. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)
I kind of love that there’s not really a feminist canon; or maybe there is, but it’s being changed, that it’s a constantly moving canon in the feminist blogosphere. I love that. (Jessica Valenti Quotes)