Jesus Quotes
Text Quotes
I remember one particular moment (I don’t actually know how old I was, but I guess around 7 or something like that) when I remember actually weeping. I was by myself in a room in the house, and I was just crying because I realized how much Jesus loved me (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus is my role model and He is whom I try to follow. Everything I do, I know I’m representing Him. Does it mean I do it well all the time? No. But I do ask for forgiveness for the times I bring Him a bad name (Jesus Quotes)
What Planned Parenthood is doing is not the faith that I believe in, but Jesus never ordered anyone to be killed and he never raised his hand to injure anyone specifically. But Mohammed did and there is a big difference in this (Jesus Quotes)
The gospel is not about... pie-in-the-sky when they die. ... It is imperative that the up and coming generation recognize that the biblical Jesus was committed to the realization of a new social order in this world.... Becoming a Christian, therefore, is a call to social action (Jesus Quotes)
God rose up from His throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God, ‘Let Him go.’ Then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus. .. He was resurrected from the dead - the first born-again man (Jesus Quotes)
At that time the sons of God will be fully manifested on the earth. Widespread spiritual warfare will result with the Sons of God doing battle with Satan and company, the non-Christian nations of this world will also be defeated. Once the earth has been subdued. Jesus will come back to earth and be given the Kingdom that has been won for Him by this manchild company (Jesus Quotes)
The Church has been foreordained of God to become that people who will become so glorified that we can bring Christ back to the earth. This glorified church must make the earth God’s footstool before Jesus can come again (Jesus Quotes)
Unlike many people today, Jesus did not teach that all religions in the world are simply different paths up the same mountain of truth that leads to God. Jesus could not have been more clear: he offers the only way to heaven (Jesus Quotes)
I’m not perfect, but I believe my faith in Jesus Christ will really take me far in the world! (Jesus Quotes)
Let’s be honest, the cards’ on the table: Jealousy’s a sin, Cain killed Abel. Backstabber...Caesar had Brutus. It’s hard to weed ‘em out, even Jesus had Judas (Jesus Quotes)
John Adams was a farmer, Abraham Lincoln a small town lawyer. Plato and Socrates were teachers. Jesus was a carpenter. To equate wisdom and judgement with occupation is at best insulting (Jesus Quotes)
We know in history that great individuals have totally changed everything, whether it be Jesus Christ or Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill or Albert Einstein. I actually think every person can make a difference (Jesus Quotes)
My history shouts the power of the blood of Jesus. My presence demonstrates the absolute love, affection and purpose of God for my life. My future is drawing me into a hope-filled life that has a purpose of saying, ‘on earth as it is in Heaven.’ (Jesus Quotes)
The irony is that ‘looking down on everybody else’ is a violation of the law of love, which, according to Jesus, is the absolute essence of righteousness (Jesus Quotes)
Marriage is not absolutely for making children. But it is absolutely for making children followers of Jesus (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus died on the cross not only so I wouldn’t have to go to hell, but also to give me an abundant life on this Earth (Jesus Quotes)
Some people erroneously believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members are not Christian. We have difficulty understanding why anyone could accept and promote an idea that is so far from the truth (Jesus Quotes)
This is me, a sinner on whom the Lord has turned his gaze. And this is what I said when they asked me if I would accept my election as pontiff. I am a sinner, but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I accept in a spirit of penance (Jesus Quotes)
I was talking to Jesus, and I said, Jesus, I feel like no one will ever accept me. And Jesus looked at me and said, You know what my theory is? Accept me or go to hell (Jesus Quotes)
Most observers understand the difference between a committed Christian who accepts Jesus as a model for living and a ‘cultural Christian’ who happens to live in a nation with a Christian heritage. Most Muslims do not (Jesus Quotes)
God is like a WiFi, Jesus is the password and God’s blessings is the data. Get the password and access the data on the Wifi (Jesus Quotes)
This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men (Jesus Quotes)
The Gospel announces that Jesus came to acquit the guilty. He came to judge and be judged in our place. Christ came to satisfy the deep judgment against us once and for all so that we could be free from the judgement of God, others, and ourselves (Jesus Quotes)
One act of kindness teaches more about the love of Jesus than the words I speak (Jesus Quotes)
If we serve Jesus then every act and thought has meaning. Acts of kindness aren’t just niceties, they become acts of worship (Jesus Quotes)
Grace is a much more accurate word to use when dealing with the state of human existence. God gives us unmerited favor through Jesus Christ, and since Adam and Eve, our lives have depended on it. (Jesus Quotes)
The difference between self-confidence and conceit is as simple as love and fear. Jesus was self-confident ... Hitler was afraid. (Jesus Quotes)
Do not be afraid to preach the gospel; Jesus Christ was not afraid to die on the cross (Jesus Quotes)
When you teach, you need to give the students incentives by grades or by other factors. I went to the Bible to find that topic in Scripture. I was shocked that after college and graduate school I had no idea that Jesus Christ had talked so much about rewards. (Jesus Quotes)
As burned as I’ve been by local churches and by people who call themselves in God’s name, Jesus gave us the church. It’s supposed to be a community of like-minded people who encourage and strengthen each other. But that’s not how it always works. (Jesus Quotes)