Jesus Quotes
Text Quotes
Jesus has paid for my healing. Disease has no right to be in my body. I am healed in Jesus’ name! (Jesus Quotes)
Was not Paul an extremist for the gospel of Jesus Christ? - I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. (Jesus Quotes)
I give my soul to God, my body to the earth, and my worldly possessions to my nearest of kin, charging them to remember the sufferings of Jesus Christ. (Jesus Quotes)
That Book, the Bible, accounts for the supremacy of England. England has become great and happy by the knowledge of the true God through Jesus Christ. (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus is the perfect name!He who put away his fame!And persecuted in shame!That you will never be the same!It’s because of you and I He came!Believe him or have yourself to blame!In the book of life, have your name! (Jesus Quotes)
The final and full revelation of God is not a book, it is a person. Jesus Christ. (Jesus Quotes)
I don’t gamble anymore since I had a kid. I have fun in Vegas. I see shows, Cirque du Soleil. Don Rickles was in town last time I was there. I’ll have lunch with George Wallace. I just look in the Weekly calendar and see who’s performing, and inevitably, we all meet up late night at one of the casinos. Jesus, I sound boring. (Jesus Quotes)
We’ve made elevator music of Jesus Christ. We’ve made Him the most boring, bland, blah person; and He was the most revolutionary man. (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus was not born in a manger in central Pennsylvania. He was a man of color. And the fact that we have represented him for centuries literally as a white man speaks to the entire history of white supremacy. (Jesus Quotes)
The usefulness of religion - the fact that it gives life meaning, that it makes people feel good - is not an argument for the truth of any religious doctrine. It’s not an argument that it’s reasonable to believe that Jesus really was born of a virgin or that the Bible is the perfect word of the creator of the universe. (Jesus Quotes)
The Vatican is against surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn’t have that rule when Jesus was born. (Jesus Quotes)
I don’t mean to burst anyone’s bubble, but there is no scriptural or historical basis for December 25th actually being the day that Jesus was born. (Jesus Quotes)
Sects and ‘isms’ have branched out in one direction and another, but still Jesus from the invisible worlds enfolds in his love all the Sons of Seth who will call upon his name by faith, and he will eventually unite the scattered churches in the Kingdom of Christ. (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus to me is somebody I can think about for security and confidence. Somebody I can revere in terms of bravery and in terms of courage. (Jesus Quotes)
Bread of Life? Jesus lived up to the title. But an unopened loaf does a person no good. Have you received the bread? Have you received God’s forgiveness? (Jesus Quotes)
The mountain of superstition has to be leveled for our people to taste a fresh breath of life in Christ Jesus. (Jesus Quotes)
Americans easily forget that the air they breathe is the same as those in Europe or Africa or Asia; it’s the same air as Jesus breathed. I would like them to remember that connection. (Jesus Quotes)
Followers of Jesus who count the cost and are willing to take up their crosses after him must have broad shoulders. (Jesus Quotes)
What landed Jesus on the cross was the preposterous idea that common, ordinary, broken, screwed-up people could be godly. (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus is God but he humbled himself to walk with us. He is our friend, our brother. (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus kinda fools around and gives you parables. He doesn’t oftentimes say exactly what he means. But in Matthew 25, he’s very, very clear. And he delineates what it takes to get into the Kingdom of Heaven very, very clearly. And he says how you treat the least among us, the least of our brothers, that’s how you treat Him. (Jesus Quotes)
I find Jesus my confidant and companion, brother and savior; our relationship is intimate, vulnerable, demanding yet comfortable and reassuring. (Jesus Quotes)
Deeply immersed in a constant bubble bath of sin, you cannot communicate with Jesus Christ unless you are ready to get out of the bath. John 1:9 (Jesus Quotes)
True leaders don’t invest in buildings. Jesus never built a building. They invest in people. Why? Because success without a successor is failure. So your legacy should not be in buildings, programs, or projects; your legacy must be in people. (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus is not directing the angelic choir, taking long naps, or doing crossword puzzles. He is completely focused on building his church, the hope of the world. (Jesus Quotes)
The Bible says that our real problem is that every one of us is building our identity on something besides Jesus. (Jesus Quotes)
It bums me out tremendously what the church has become, and if it’s got me bummed, imagine what Jesus Christ must be feeling. (Jesus Quotes)
It is obvious that the bumper sticker question What would Jesus do? will not always bring a popular response. (Jesus Quotes)
My heart is still there in gospel music. It never left . . . I’m gonna make a gospel record and tell Jesus I cannot bear these burdens alone. (Jesus Quotes)
My frustration has always been that I’m a Christian, but I don’t buy into, never have bought into, the belief that Jesus and God are these men who just dictate that this is how you have to live your life or you are going to burn in hell. (Jesus Quotes)